Leaked Microsoft Email Reveals Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Really Wants to Buy Nintendo -::Xbox boss Phil Spencer outlined his desire to buy Nintendo in a leaked email sent in 2020.

  • Ottomateeverything@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s 2023 and Nintendo is still churning out the same minimum effort bullshit Pokemon and Mario games, and they still haven’t figured out online multiplayer.


    The max resolution of the Switch is 1080p 30 FPS. Nintendo is a joke and a shell of it’s former self.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t go anywhere near that far. The N64 is the only console that was ever really top of its class in raw specs. That’s never been Nintendo’s game, and they’ve never even tried. And, the FTC leaks have shown Xbox is considered 3rd behind the Switch.

    Arguably the GameCube was the most complacent and behind the times console they’ve ever released and it did extremely well.

    The Wii started a huge “motion controls” revolution, and even if it didn’t stick around, it was fresh and everyone and their mother was trying to buy a Wii.

    The Wii U was probably their biggest failure. They tried to do something new and misread the market.

    The Switch also brought something entirely new to the market that has redefined the portable. It sold out like crazy and has done extremely well. I know people who own switches that have never purchased any console or handheld.

    The Switch isn’t trying to compete with Xbox / PS. It’s competing with Gameboy and PSP but also allows you to play Mario Kart with the boys. And it has built an entire new device segment with Steam Deck and a million spin offs at this point.

    Local couch gameplay has always been Nintendos bread and butter. They’re not aiming for hardcore gamers. And they’re still succeeding at exactly that.