Can you please share your backup strategies for linux? I’m curious to know what tools you use and why?How do you automate/schedule backups? Which files/folders you back up? What is your prefered hardware/cloud storage and how do you manage storage space?

    10 days ago

    I was talking with a techhead from the 80s about what he did when his tape drives failed and the folly that is keeping data alive on a system that doesn’t need to be. His foolproof backup storage is as follows.

    1. At Christmas buy a new hard drive. If Moore’s law allows, it should be double what you currently have
    2. Put your current backup hardrive into a SATA drive slot. Copy over backup into new hard drive.
    3. Write with a sharpie the date at which this was done on the harddrive. The new hard drive is your current backup.
    4. Place the now old backup into your drawer and forget about it.
    5. On New Years Day, load each of the drives into a SATA drive slot and fix any filesystem issues.
    6. Put them back into the drawer. Go to step 1.