“Punching down”? It’s an operating system, man. Pretty sure your choice of a software layer to interact with your hardware doesn’t count as a protected class.
Also, no effort at all. I do this to pass time. You’re not super nice, but you’re not that bad, either, give yourself some credit.
So what’s your excuse, then?
I’m not angry, though. I’m barely disappointed.
Except for the HDR support thing. Come on, guys. Eight years and counting.
The amount of effort I see you put into punching down at Linux speaks for itself dude
“Punching down”? It’s an operating system, man. Pretty sure your choice of a software layer to interact with your hardware doesn’t count as a protected class.
Also, no effort at all. I do this to pass time. You’re not super nice, but you’re not that bad, either, give yourself some credit.
Your standard MO: misinterpreting something as to ignore it
Look, I know I should ignore it outright, but what am I going to do, not respond to messages completely devoid of content in social media?
You are right. You are legally obligated to angrily lash out against the idea that Linux is a viable desktop OS. Every. Single. Time. It’s. Raised.