Here we’ll simply share the names of some cool Libre/OpenSource ANDROID-GAMES that are available (Or should be made available) on Fdroid
Shattered Pixel Dungeon, popular roguelike (as in, actually like Rogue)
Unciv, 4x civilization game.
on F-Droid:
Mindustry, factory based sandbox tower defense (mobile Factorio)
on F-Droid:
It isn’t quite like Factorio.
It is better
How are the mobile controls?
Very frustrating for people with fingers.
Playable for sure, but in bigger battles its complicated to keep an overview over big maps
Honestly I much prefer playing on desktop, but it’s playable on mobile if a bit frustrating.
Luanti a game engine that runs an Open Source massively moddable Minecraft clone, among other games.
This one deserves a nice big bold underline, this project has already come such a far way!
lichess has finally published it’s mobile version on f-droid.
droidfish is another great alternative chess game, though with no online component.
there’s also endless sky
Simon Tatham’s Puzzles contains many classic puzzle games and many more that are destined to be future classics.
Not sure if someones mentioned it yet but unciv is civ V
Box Stacker
A physics puzzle-game.
Join the sticky ‘tetrominoes’ to move a ball/box/car to the scoring zone.
Includes online leaderboard to view the solutions of players around the world. A faster finish with less total pieces is better.
Challenging and fun game, with a quality physics model.
Pixel Dungeon a rogue-like that is very like Rogue.
Since this is not updated or maintained anymore, there is a spin off with very active development:
Ooh, great point!
Great minds think alike.
It looks like it is build for a older version of Android
Feudal Tactics, conquer-the-world strategy game with randomly-generated levels
Is it an Antiyoy clone?
Antiyoy is a nice little game, it just lacks some depth IMO.
Sometimes a bit too random. The start positions heavily influence the winning probability
I enjoyed Space Trader.
Luanti, Mindustry, vector pinball, super tux cart and Tux rider.
Honorable mention: Tailscale+Moonlight (game streaming)
vector pinball is amazing
I never play it as it gets boring after a while.
Cool app though
Rabbit Escape, basically Lemmings with cute bunnies. Don’t let them splat!
Thanks for this one. Hadn’t seen it before and I used to love Lemmings games.
Antimine Minesweeper