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Bitwarden users who store their email account credentials within their Bitwarden vaults would have trouble accessing the sent codes if they are unable to log in to their email.
To prevent getting locked out of your vault, be sure you can access the email associated with your Bitwarden account so you can access the emailed codes, or turn on any form of two-step login to not be subject to this process altogether.
using a password manager without 2FA is insanity, glad they’re doing it
Insanity is when you lose or can’t access your 2FA device and you’re locked out of your account.
That’s what recovery codes are for.
Sounds like a second password then.
…which you keep in a separate secure location in case you lose your 2FA device.
Why can’t I keep my password in a secure location then?
obviously you do but it can be leaked, phished, or hacked in other ways. a second “factor” such as possession of a token device is a safeguard against that.
you can actually read about all this many places online, it’s nothing new: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication
From the wikipedia link you posted:
It also lists more advantages than disadvantages.
yes, that’s the whole point, to recover your account if you lose your MFA device. what are you even trying to say?
the article lists 3 very important advantages, and 9 relatively small/niche disadvantages (or even irrelevant in the case of SMS). mobile MFA makes sense for the vast majority of people, of course there are always edge cases who it may not work for.
shit, why can’t i just keep the secondary password instead of relying on notoriously insecure sms, or notoriously privacy invading email?
why am i forced in some instances to rely on third parties?
I can’t believe people are arguing about and downvoting this. Especially for a service that holds all of your passwords, it’s the highest priority thing for you to secure.
Me losing my devices is much higher on my threat model than someone trying to brute-force my Bitwarden password.
/1. we’ve covered this already. that’s why recovery codes exist.
/2. losing your device is not a threat to your accounts saved in bitwarden, you’d just have to reset your passwords. it sucks, but that’s not a security threat.
/3. there’s way more than brute-force attacks out there.
This is being purposefully obtuse. Choosing to force users to memorize a recovery code increases the likelihood of lock outs.
There is a real risk of account lockout, especially for those of us who travel frequently. Lockouts are a significant risk when you need to carry all your belongings and devices.
There are also some of us who also think about what happens to us when we are incapacitated and a loved one needs access to our passwords. In a situation, it’s important to balance security vs expediency to access critical information. This new policy disrupts that.
At the very least, I wish Bitwarden would have given us more time to force this policy. I have to scramble to make changes to my estate planning documents and get in contact with my lawyer to change my advanced healthcare directives.
now who’s being purposefully obtuse.
Never underestimate the human capacity for short-sighted laziness.
Recovery codes.
insanity is also relying on a single 2FA device, ffs
Where do you store your 2FA recovery codes?
On Bitwarden!
Well thats a good way to lock yourself out of your account!
Well, not really. Vault is cached on your devices, so if you have it unlocked or available on one of them you can always use it to check your 2FA.
By the way, it was a joke. I also use Aegis as a backup.
two places:
\1. secure location in your home (physical copy in a safe or a digital copy on an encrypted disk)
\2. in case of a disaster like a home fire where you lose the 2FA device and local backup: in a remote location such as an encrypted file in a cloud service or at a trusted friend/family’s house.
I know the recommendations. Im suggesting that everyone take a look at those practices and be sure to have them implemented.
If you’re not printing out the codes on paper and sticking them in a safe deposit box as a remote backup, you’re absolutely risking it.
ok, sorry for answering what appeared to be a genuine question.
Nah you hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with you. Sorry if I came off brash.
On my home PC. Same with the 2fa export of aegis.
“What if you can’t access blah”There’s a limit to interoperability, if you want access to everything everywhere even when you lose access for whatever reason, you will have to concede security.You could save a keepass file with secure notes of both the bitwarden 2fa and recovery codes and save it in drive or whatever, you don’t need passwords nowadays to access the Google account.“But what if I lose access to my phone?”Well you are fucked, what else do you want? I guess you could print the recovery keys and store them in a secured box at home.Edit: I read further down that your comment was meant to incite other to actually think and do stuff. Sorry if I came of rude.
Insanity is doing such a drastic chance on less than 3 days notice, a change that could potentiallt lock out people that aren’t very tech savy, and only found Bitwarden by a techy friend’s recomendation, or just happened to see it on their phone’a app store.
Absolute Shitshow 🤡
3 days notice lmfao, Fuck Bitwarden
Keepass all the way!
Edit: And its not really a 3 day notice. The first real email notice I got was Jan 30 morning at EST, just a few hours ago. February is like less than 48 hours. Wtf