I’ve been using it for about a year now and it’s quite capable. Picture search is good and the layout is quite nice.
There have been some fringe topics (mostly programming related) where I needed to resort back to Google because the results were just not good enough. Also it has no Maps equivalent (anymore) which sucks when you want to search for places.
Anyone know if Qwant’s search engine is pretty capable? I would like to ditch Google, but it’s hard b/c it has the best search results
I’ve been using it for about a year now and it’s quite capable. Picture search is good and the layout is quite nice.
There have been some fringe topics (mostly programming related) where I needed to resort back to Google because the results were just not good enough. Also it has no Maps equivalent (anymore) which sucks when you want to search for places.
Just tried it, it has very similar results as Bing.
I just use duckduckgo, which doesn’t track you.