That’s 2 heading cards, one is set as the title and the other as subtitle. The title has the navigation option turned on to navigate to that room. And the subtitle is just filled with entities. I then use a entities card set with just the divider. It’s a messy way to do it but it was the best I could figure.
What card are you using for your room overviews?
That’s 2 heading cards, one is set as the title and the other as subtitle. The title has the navigation option turned on to navigate to that room. And the subtitle is just filled with entities. I then use a entities card set with just the divider. It’s a messy way to do it but it was the best I could figure.
I have something similar, but I use Minimalistic Area Card
Thats what I’ve been using as well. On some of my cards it has some weird layout bugs (only on some viewing devices) which annoy me.
Can also try the built in section headers now. You have to start a new dashboard to enable them or convert an existing one.