Is anyone here aware of some alternatives to mentioned instant messaging applications ? Alot of people keep mentioning Signal , however since it is US based I am not going to entertain it as a possibility.
Is anyone here aware of some alternatives to mentioned instant messaging applications ? Alot of people keep mentioning Signal , however since it is US based I am not going to entertain it as a possibility.
I’ve heard of Session, though I haven’t actually tried it out yet. It’s Swiss.
Session is not secure.
That’s not quite true, is it? There’s some criticism, from what I can see, but from there to “it’s not secure” is a bit of a leap. They even moved out of Australia to avoid the backdoor requirements; they clearly care, to some extent, at least.
And, other than moving, they also setup a foundation model.
They really act like they care. I also read the security criticism but they were not that valid and the person who made them still has to deliver the system they think secure enough.
A bit like the simplex ceo that in every comparison uses bad metrics lol. Recently happened also in the matrix blog, some incredible cringe comparison…
Ugh, you’re telling me I have to go look up whatever-the-fuck the SimpleX CEO said?! MAN IS THERE ANY CHAT APP I CAN USE FFS?!?!
Matrix, I guess…
Nah you don’t need to (it’s mostly marketing on their site, not necessarily post on social), just remember that they took vc money and for now there is no business model
The only nice things from simplex are the onion routing and the multiple identities management. If they focused on being lean and secure instead of trying to be another matrix or signal they could have got their meaningful niche