We just took our first step and cancelled Netflix! It’s a small thing compared to some of you, but we’re here to stay! Becoming more and more aware and striving to buy European!
We just took our first step and cancelled Netflix! It’s a small thing compared to some of you, but we’re here to stay! Becoming more and more aware and striving to buy European!
cancelling wow left me a much, much happier person, if that helps
… of course i do get dreams sometimes of my character weeping in a black void and saying “i’m so lonely please come and play with me”… yknow, just normal non-psychologically abusive things that they definitely didn’t mean to do to keep you addicted and coming back again and again
I should consider it, even if I’m still leveling on Classic so the daily boredom isn’t there yet. I already have this boredom with my gacha games haha.
it’s incredibly addictive, and acknowledging that is okay… it’s also fun for a bit! just know when you’re doing it less because you’re having fun and more because you’re in a routine (and sometimes those things are very hard to distinguish)
and if you decide to quit, treat it like smoking or alcohol abuse: you never stop quitting… i “stopped playing” 5 times before it stuck. that’s not a failure - it’s a step on the journey to being completely over it, and 1 day you’ll stop and never go back
granted, i’m pretty sure i was way more addicted than a lot of people and perhaps you don’t need this advice… but fuuuuuuuck video game addiction is absolutely a thing, and it can cause life-long mental health issues. it gets soft-balled so often, but there’s not much difference between it and slot machines at the end of the day except that wow isn’t regulated