Foldable smartphones have reached their fifth major generation, as heralded by Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Fold 5…

For me it’s definitely the durability concerns. I’ve valued my phone’s water and dust resistance since getting an ip67 phone years and years ago. My brother had a flip and a grain of sand in his pocket got under the display; when he closed the phone the display died. And they expect me to pay more for the privilege.

    1 year ago

    I’m not paying a thousand plus dollars for a phone. I go through a phone every year and a half to two years. I don’t want to spend $1,000 a year for a phone.

    I don’t want to have a never-ending phone payment. I buy inexpensive but good quality phones like Motorola’s or second-hand pixels and I’m good.

    I spend 160 something dollars a year on average on phones, and use the least expensive prepaid plans out there.

    And this is not because I am poor, there’s room in the budget for me to have the fancy iPhone and you know the top of the line plan or whatever, I just got better things to spend my money on than a fucking phone.

    If a company comes out with a folding phone that doesn’t have a lot of bloatware on it and is in the $200 range then the next time I buy a new phone I would consider it.

      1 year ago

      Yeah I’m shocked to see price ranking so low on their poll. I’m rocking a $200 phone and there’s nothing that I need to do but can’t. The form factor is nice but it’s not an extra $800+ nice.