• pqdinfo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    they both hate truths, so keep spreading truths about them.

    Yeah, it’s really working for Donald Trump, he’s not been trying to get into the news or been obnoxious or lied or anything like that since the truth was reported about him ;-)

    The real way to cover Elon Musk is the way Trump should be covered but isn’t: just don’t. Don’t at all. If you feel you must, make a point of not covering what he’s done unless he’s 100% truthful and can back up any statements about the future he makes.

    Is he lying about minorities on Twitter? Ignore him.

    Is he claiming he’s going to release something in six months? Wait six months. You can report on it if it’s true and newsworthy?

    In the mean time, why is the media still on Twitter? It’s like journalists covering Trump from cages inside of Trump rallies while he literally calls them terms Goebbels invented like “Lying Media”. Just… don’t turn up, don’t cover the rallies directly (oh sure, report some of the extremist rhetoric, but you don’t have to point a TV camera at him and allow every word he utters to be broadcast live to your audience), etc. And likewise, the media doesn’t need to be on Twitter, it’s not a place to “stay in touch” with the people who read your articles, or the people you report upon, you shouldn’t be there.

    Will never happen though. Not my quote but fairly accurate: it’s called “the media” because it’s mediocre.