• RubberDuck@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    If the Gaza war stops that is a great result. But I have become a bit more cynical about these things.

    I think that now that the houthi’s have seen the power they hold over the gates of grief and with that the global economy, they will simply start levying a tax on shipping which will allow them to fund their war and gain control of the whole of Yemen. Thus you never know when the blackmail will escalate again. Plus what is it to stop Somalia and Eritrea from doing the same?

    Then Saudi Arabia will need to do more as a southern vassal of Iran will be dangerous. Also the world oil shipping will be beholden to Iran as long as they will control hormuz and bab-el-mandeb by proxy.

    This separate from the “targeting Israeli ships” but in shipping there is so much cross-pollination. Duch owned, Greek operated, english captain and bangladeshi-phillipino crew with cargo from Kuwait to Germany. And an Israeli investor in one of the firms. so then What?

    • Count042@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Yemen is as much a southern vassal of Iran as Israel is a vassal of the US.

        • Count042@lemmy.ml
          8 months ago

          Jesus, do they even teach critical reading anymore?

          Even if what I wrote was a logical fallacy (it’s not, but go with it ) it sill wouldn’t be ‘I know I am but what are you’

          It’s pointing out the stupidity of assuming everyone that you don’t like or disagree with is unified under some ‘big bad’. It’s pointing out the stupidity of thinking real life is like some Sitcom.

          Yemen received some assistance from Iran, yes, but they are their own country with their own national interests.

          Frankly, they have some long standing issues with Iran. What they aren’t is a proxy for Iran.

          Iran does not want a regional war. I can promise you there is probably actual diplomacy right now from Iran trring to get them to back off.

          But no, that goes out the window with your five year old understanding ‘Yemen is just a vassal of Iran so much that I won’t even name them’ stupidity.

          Fucking grow up enough to view foreign policy as more than ‘my team good, your team bad’

          There are other people in this thread that I think are morally evil for being okay with evil actions, but with an actual understanding of the situation. I have more respect for them than I do for your simplistic to the point of idiocy opinion.

          • RubberDuck@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            It speaks volumes about you as a person, that you have more respect for people you find have evil morales and ideas than someone you find uninformed and simplistic. It probably explains your geopolitical stance too.

            So stomping your feet and using a lot of words to call me stupid fits into the picture.

            I cannot imagine Iran wants the current chaos to stop. The board is stacked against them so they have all the incentive to throw it over, or at least watch as someone else does it.

            Yemen is 2 factions pitted against eachother so calling it a country with its own interests kinda overlooks the fact that the 2 factions have very different interests.

            • Count042@lemmy.ml
              8 months ago

              It’s possible to respect the abilities of someone you consider evil. You should always give your enemies as much respect as they are due. Otherwise you underestimate them.

              Iran does not want chaos. A smaller power with a more powerful enemy rarely wants chaos. Nation States never do. They are inherently conservative in that aspect for obvious reasons.

              Holding a city doesn’t make you a faction. It means that Ansarallah recognized that winning outright would require fighting their own people, and so they stopped when they did and switched to diplomacy. This is like saying the US has 8 (or however many, I’m not looking it up) political parties. It’s not wrong, but there are only 2 that have any power and saying otherwise would be a lie.

              Don’t whine about someone calling your opinions stupid when they corrected you without insults and you responded with insults. Stupid insults.