Od 13 stycznia zacznie obowiązywać nowy wzór karty powołania do wojska w razie ogłoszenia mobilizacji i w czasie wojny. Zmiany w tym wzorze nie są duże, ale np. bardziej wyeksponowano w nim informację o karach za niestawienie się do wojska w takich sytuacjach.
Gonna be hilarious when all the people drumming up war thinking that it was others who were gonna fight and die are going to start finding out that it’s their ass getting shelled in a trench somewhere.
Yup, the other side played absolutely no part in creating the conditions for the conflict, and absolutely nothing could’ve been done differently. What we really need to do now is to keep escalating to ensure that the maximum possible number of people dies.
Gonna be hilarious when all the people drumming up war thinking that it was others who were gonna fight and die are going to start finding out that it’s their ass getting shelled in a trench somewhere.
I wish all pro-war individuals a very become trench mist.
Well, one side has been getting all invadey recently.
Yup, the other side played absolutely no part in creating the conditions for the conflict, and absolutely nothing could’ve been done differently. What we really need to do now is to keep escalating to ensure that the maximum possible number of people dies.