I’ve been using Tutanota for a while now. Been interested in people’s opinions about Tutanota and Protonmail.

  • Gleddified@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I like it, been a paid user for 4ish years now. The only complaint is that the way they develop/release/update their products is all over the place. Everything is soon™, they release entirely new products (Proton Pass) while their existing ones lack extremely basic features, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to whatever roadmap they’re working off of. The long term goal is clearly to make an everything ecosystem, but I’m not sure I want all my eggs in one company’s basket, even if it is Proton.

    The important thing is their privacy/security, which I fully trust, more than any other provider. But boy howdy am I still waiting on some real basic features in some of their apps.

  • FIST_FILLET@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    happily using proton since 2017. i endorse their work so much that i upgraded to a basic paid plan way back, and then when they changed the subscription tier system, i was automatically grandfathered into the most premium personal plan (simplelogin, 10 simultaneous vpn connections, etc) while keeping my original subscription price :)

    i’m so happy to see them continue to flourish and support noble causes like anti-censorship under oppressive regimes and free tools for activists fighting for their lives.