• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLinus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
    6 days ago

    I agree, the phrasing is bad, but that doesn’t change that if you read it carefully, the meaning is clear.
    There is absolutely no reasonable basis for claiming he is defending pedophiles, when what he does is the direct opposite, by logically proving that a common defense they use is invalid, because you can never claim to know participation is voluntary. It is per definition coerced.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLinus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
    6 days ago

    Everytime someone calls their system a Linux based OS and not GNU/Linux based OS downplays the work he put in.

    Absolutely, and the fact that people didn’t adopt it creates confusion, some people claim Android is also Linux, which you can argue, but it’s definitely NOT GNU/Linux, and it’s definitely NOT a free desktop OS as defined by freedesktop.org either. There’s a huge difference.
    Especially since Android generally means Android with Google apps, and not AOSP. AOSP is open source, but Android with Google apps is not.

  • Yes you are 100% right, and I did consider level 3 cache as a better measure, because that allows communication between cores without the need to go through RAM, and cache generally has a high hit rate. But this number was surprisingly difficult to find, so I settled on the data bus.
    Anyways it would be absolutely fair to call it 256bit by more than one measure. But for sure it isn’t just 64 bit, because it has 512 bit instructions, so the instruction set isn’t limited to 64 bit. Even if someone was stubborn enough to claim the general instruction set is 64 bit, it has the ability to decode and execute 2 simultaneous 64 bit instructions per core, making at least 128 bit by any measure.

  • IDK if federations doesn’t work, I already wrote to another response that I use Bash.
    Since the Amiga in the 80’s I considered CLI windows and Shell as the same thing,because they kind of were on the Amiga, as there was only 1 shell, and a CLI window was also called Shell. But that was obviously a misunderstanding I just never got quite rid of.

  • For instance in schools you are not allowed to talk about gender identity in some states.
    Often you are not allowed to teach about slavery either.
    You are also often not allowed as a teacher or just working at the school to say if you anything other than straight.
    That would actually be illegal to enforce in countries with better protected freedom of speech.
    One school banned a graphic novel Maus about holocaust despite it has won a Pulitzer.
    Aaron Swartz was persecuted by authorities to the point of suicide for legally copying and trying to make information available to the public, that should by definition of the terms they were kept, be available to the public, but were not.
    In the military you are not allowed to say you are gay.

    The terrorist acts has secret courts giving secret organisations power to silence companies on for instance when information is demanded on users from companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Apple, also when the demands are illegal by normal law, generally because they are too wide. Other often targeted companies are also mail services with increased security. This is monitored by a secret club in congress. This is part of what Obama called a “balanced” approach.
    Failure to respect these secret courts, will result in you being judged by same secret courts!!!
    You are not even allowed to seek outside council or mention it to anybody for help on what to do.

    In much the same way there are restriction on the “free” press, which make it impossible for the press to air concerns. This is probably why you have a multitude of stories like this:

    What’s notable is that the more experience a journalist has, the more likely he is aware there’s a problem. But there are no specifics on exactly what the problems are.

    On public TV you cannot air profanity:


    outlined the swear words that are still taboo on broadcast TV to this day – ended up causing the highest court to rule that the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to regulate what viewers see on broadcast media.

    Beep beep beep, it’s so incredibly stupid!!!

    So maybe the meme was self censored, but it was out of a habit of doing so because in some situations you MUST, meaning your freedom of speech is restricted. By doing so on the meme, it parrots more official channels.

    USA is probably the most censored country of the free world they claim to protect, and you don’t even know it!?!?!