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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I’ve been playing through Black Skylanda lately.

    I originally put it down because the top-down perspective was a bit jarring, but have been having fun taking down sky pirates both on land and in the air since I’ve picked it back up.

    So far the upgrade paths and the currency gain for those upgrades have been mostly on par with each other, so I haven’t felt the need to grind mats for anything. I can rescue a stranded pilot or two, liberate an island, and carve out a new parking location for my big ship all in one sitting, which makes it feel as though just about anything I do is progressing something.

    Looking forward to more!

  • While, yes it is not copy and paste in the literal sense, it does still have the capacity to outright copy the style of an artist’s work that was used to train it.

    If teaching another artist’s work is already frowned upon when trying to pass the trace off as one’s own work, then there’s little difference when a computer does it more convincingly.

    Maybe a bit off tangent here, since I’m not even sure if this is strictly possible, but if a generative system was only trained off of, say, only Picasso’s work, would you be able to pass the outputs off as Picasso pieces? Or would they be considered the work of the person writing a prompt or built the AI? What if the artist wasn’t Picasso but someone still alive, would they get a cut of the profits?