Cowbee [he/him]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • I’m furious that the administration isn’t doing more to end the goddamned genocide

    Biden approved the invasion of Lebanon and is sending in US troops and air support. They want this.

    I’m sure there’s some realpolitik going on there, but like, realpolitik can suck my asshole when my taxes are paying for bombs and missiles that are being used by a different country in an unjust war to kill innocent people in a genocide.

    Israel helps terrorize enemies of the US empire and secures the Petro-dollar.

    With all that said, I just don’t think that we will be able to enact meaningful change in 30ish days. To enact change within the confines our current system, we would need to convince hundreds of millions of people to vote for a candidate that truly represents them in that timeframe. Given the constricting nature of our two-party system, I think many people wouldn’t know who that is. I certainly don’t know who would represent me. It certainly wouldn’t be Jill Stein, to provide an example of a third party candidate.

    So hopes and prayers while you vote for continued genocide, got it. Your feelings don’t make the bombs lighter.

    There are two primary candidates. One candidate will likely maintain the monstrous, awful, status quo. The other candidate may or may not direct the largest military force in the world to level Palestine and order the destruction of every man, woman, and child within its borders. The former gives the people of Palestine more time while to survive while we try to unfuck our system. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s a chance.

    Biden has already ordered US air support and ground troops, the die is cast.

  • Your words weren’t left, don’t try to hide behind us

    100% of my words were written from Leftist analysis.

    Is meaningless, we oppose the killing, we oppose the inequality with which they treat their neighbours. We still support their existence, we just want it to be a better existence

    Offering mere platitudes and “thoughts and prayers” for a better world instead of actually working towards it is idealism, not materialism. Don’t carry water for fascists.

  • The first-past-the-post voting system sucks; the resulting two-party system sucks; but right now we have to operate within it

    Only if you think voting is the extent of political action.

    The mathematics of that system entail the simple fact that if you discourage people from keeping Trump out, you are helping get Trump in

    And if you encourage getting Harris in, you are helping Harris get in, who has promised imperalism, genocide, World War 3, and failed Climate action.

    That makes you a Trump supporter.

    In 20 years you’ll look back at yourself, if leftists have managed to prevent the end of the world, as someone who supported a fascist regime and refused to lift a finger against it. I hope you’ll come to your senses much sooner than that.