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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I tried Fedora KDE spin first. IDK if it was my hardware configuration it didn’t like but the first time I booted it, it spammed me with crash reports. I poked around it for a few minutes, not being able to go far without things crashing again and again. I installed the updates and rebooted it hoping it would fix it but it got much worse after that. I couldn’t do anything else as it immediately crashed at startup. I couldn’t be bothered to look any further into it and switched to OpenSUSE which has been rock solid for months. I’m running Plasma 6.1 with Wayland on it with no issues as well and I know Plasma 6.2 is coming soon. It uses pipewire as default as well. To be honest, IDK what Fedora would do better for my uses, except maybe for a faster package manager.

    I’m certain that my Fedora experience isn’t typical but for me at least it was a disaster.

  • I didn’t wait. I did it earlier this year and haven’t booted from my Windows 10 drive since then. My entry drug was Linux Mint. But I quickly switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment (I prefer how it looks and handles multiple displays). It isn’t that hard to learn the basics you need to use Linux, as long as you use a decently stable distro that you won’t need to troubleshoot at every update. In my limited experience, you only need more in depth knowledge when you try messing around with more “cutting edge” and less “stable” distros and are installing experimental features.

    I can’t believe that Microsoft is expecting everyone to get rid of their computer to switch to 11 once the support for 10 expires next year. I even revived an 15 year old laptop that only had 4Gb or RAM by installing Mint on it (and switching its HDD with an SSD I had kicking around). It’s fast and perfectly usable for everything but modern games now

  • I did it soon after switching to Linux Mint from Windows because I didn’t like how Cinnamon was handling multiple displays. It worked and was perfectly functional. But it was a little rough around the edges with the occasional glitch here and there. Not sure if it was because Mint wasn’t really meant to run Plasma or if it was just because it was running an older version of Plasma. But it was perfectly usable and I would have been happy to stick with it if there were no other solutions.

    Before I got too comfy in my Mint install and after having familiarized myself with Linux better, I hopped between a few distros for a bit. LMDE6 with Plasma ran better but ultimately I switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and stuck with it since then. It is rock solid and runs Plasma 6. I should probably have given EndeavourOS a try as well but I’m now too settled and comfy to change.

    Mind you, I am still a complete Linux noob and still have barely any idea of what I am doing so take it with a grain of salt.

  • Corporations must generate growth to please their investors no matter what. If the CEO doesn’t do it the board members will replace him with someone who will.

    Microsoft cannot significantly generate growth by increasing their user base by making a more attractive product anymore. They have maxed out their share of the market. So they must pursue other ways to generate “growth”, like data mining their customers to generate an additional source of income.

    In this kind of situation you will see all sorts undesirable behaviors emerge from corporations like that, like lowering the quality of their products or cutting down on their workforce to “reduce cost” event though they are already turning a profit.

    We will see this shit happen over and over again until we come up with a solution to this “infinite growth” problem.

  • The sad part is that all of this is all self-inflicted in the name of “growth” for the shareholders. They absolutely could take 7, modernize it, call it “12” and release it as a lightweight, fast and more privacy-respecting OS. It would probably be far cheaper to make as well.

    But that’s not what the Corporate elements of the company want. They see the OS as a platform to force feed to the users features that they can market as “lucrative” to the shareholders. Nobody else wants that. I predict that Windows 12 will have some sort of baked in “AI” that you can’t get rid of as a bare minimum.

    But this is none of my concern. They’ve finally pushed me over the hump and now I’m 100% sold to Linux. It has gotten so much more approachable than it used to be. Especially with Mint.

  • Microsoft is dead to me.

    Maybe if after a disastrous enough reception of Windows 11 they might make a Windows 12 that actually cares about being more palatable to the users, like they did with Windows 7 following the disaster that was Vista.

    But I think they’ll most probably only move to meet us halfway like they did with Windows 10 following the other disaster that was 8. Where they replaced a major irritant with another and then slowly stacked more and more irritants with updates thereafter. They are too addicted to the revenue from data harvesting to give it up.

  • I was hesitant for a long while and ended up installing Linux Mint on an old SSD I had laying around this way there was no commitment.

    Now I’m realizing I haven’t booted up my regular windows 10 drive ever since and am considering getting rid of it altogether.

    On a side note I created a virtual machine on the Linux side that runs Windows 10 LTSC on it for a few other programs I sometimes need that would be very difficult or impossible to make work on Linux like Inventor, Office and Photoshop. It lives trapped in the box and isn’t allowed to connect to the internet. If I need to download something for it I download it on Linux and drag and drop it into the box. It’s like having a little pet Windows that you keep locked in a pen, so it works for you and only for you and it can’t escape to go into your house to spy on you and shit bloatware all over your carpet.