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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I have what I call an “Ivy Lee” note that opens in its own window at a particular location on my second monitor every time I open Obsidian. It contains a list of things that I “must do” that day, a second set of bullets for “stretch goals” for the day and some “no need to worry about” entries in case I get anxiety about those things. I edit it the previous evening. Part of the Ivy Lee methodology I’ve been following for quite a while now.

  • I’m really stingy when it comes to subscriptions and honestly paying for anything at all that I don’t have to. But the few things that I and the wife are happy to drop a dime on are Prime, Netflix and unlimited cable and cell data. I got the Verizon NF and Starz deal last year, 1 year for both for $74 and I watch NF constantly. Every day. I’d pay $20/month for it easily. Similarly I’m always buying shrapnel on Prime. I know I could live without it but it’s essential enough to us to warrant the outlay.

  • I actually had a lot of fun a couple years ago deploying PiHole on one of my RaspberryPi’s and routing all my household machines through it. It worked great UNTIL… my kid was turning in empty homework on Google Classroom and his teachers were getting up him about it. We chastised him thinking it was his fault until I finally discovered that Pihole was messing up his uploads to GC and literally causing this problem. I got super angry with it and walked away without even trying to troubleshoot. Had to profusely apologise not only to his teachers but to him.