This tool is great! Thanks for creating it and making it public.
Also, is this the first Lemmy Hug of Death? If so, congrats, I think?
This tool is great! Thanks for creating it and making it public.
Also, is this the first Lemmy Hug of Death? If so, congrats, I think?
You’re a pretty cat, and a good cat.
Switched it to the bottom only to find out it didn’t matter one bit and was still just as hard to reach there as it was at the top. Moved it back to the top because that’s where my brain looks for it.
I spent more than $20 on a pizza the other day. Considering the many hundreds, if not thousands of hours, I used Sync for Reddit over 5 or 6 years, $20 is a no brainer. That said, I wouldn’t pay the $100 lifetime considering because I don’t need the perks associated with it and who knows if Lemmy will be around that long (I hope it will but you never know).
If I’m not mistaken Sync’s dev is a relatively young guy (I recall reading he was a student a few years back) which likely means he hasn’t experienced the joys of vision going downhill with age like many of us old farts have.
Use the app that works for you. That’s why many of us are here, because Reddit took away that option to push their shit tier official app that’s far inferior to literally every third party app I ever tried.
I don’t understand the “slowly” part at all. I joined Lemmy about a month ago when Reddit third party apps went dark. Lemmy was largely a ghost town then, with most of the relatively mainstream communities I sought out having newest posts that were days or even weeks old. That desolation was gone after the first few days, with a ton more engagement from others who migrated over and a steady stream of new content. The communities I frequent have grown by leaps and bounds since then. “Slow” isn’t a word I’d use to describe Lemmy’s growth.
Happy for Infinity users. Legacy Reddit third party app users are feasting in the past couple of days with those apps moving over to Lemmy.
No joke, I felt like a luddite after trying to click the “X” in the upper right of an embedded tweet to close it earlier this afternoon on my laptop.
Whoa, I didn’t even notice that the community keyword search actually worked and does so across instances. Thanks for the heads up!
I was very happy with Voyager which is great for a PWA but I’m in utter awe at how good the Sync beta is. I was expecting a minimum viable product that still needed a lot of updates but it’s amazingly polished from the start and basically works exactly as the Reddit version did. It’s always good to have options and I’m glad the Lemmy app scene seems to be flourishing.
I’m the weirdo who had 3 different Lemmy apps on his phone trying them all out to see what worked best for me and Connect was definitely one of the ones that stood out. Keep up the good work!
I was lamenting the lack of an NFL community here but no way in hell I’m joining a Dallas Cowboys community regardless of how much discussion it generates. 😆
WTF I thought my one order every one to one and a half weeks due to my sheer laziness was getting excessive.
As for Prime getting commercials, it’s a good thing Prime somehow manages to have barely any content worth watching where they could possibly insert commercials for me. I’m assuming this will not apply to movies you pay to rent.