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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • If you’re not designing the NFT game around the profit and trading aspect - then the NFT is pointless and you could just make a game with tradeable assets registered to a conventional relational database.

    Aka: What MMO’s, browser social platforms and Steam itself has been doing successfully for more than a decade before NFT’s showed up.

    It’s a technological dead end (in gaming) even without the greed, because the use cas is already done cheaper, simpler and better.

  • The majority of companies who use Slack (over the likes of Teams) are tech-oriented companies made mid last decade.

    Making a Twitter scrapper that pushes to a webhook would take half a day and would cost essentially zero if you just toss it in a random cloud cluster and forget about it. And if you don’t have that scale, then you likely have a team leader somewhere who will run it on a machine of their own out of spite.

    And scrappers are way more wasteful for the target webhost.

    This change hurts literally nobody other than Felon. Good.

  • fancy IRC

    IRC was already “caveman playing with sticks and pebbles” a decade before discord became a thing. It’s really not a good point of comparison and questioning.

    Discord became popular for one simple reason: anyone could make a server, share it with a crossplatform link, and others could then try out that link without installing anything. In other words, it became popular because it literally copied Slack and because the Skype era was atrociously bad customization and ease of use-wise compared to the preceding.

  • Really?

    Because I can’t agree. Bluesky is, weirdly, geared around building up custom “queues”, and the default queue, called “Discover” has some really niche stuff in it. This is very much so not like the usual Twitter method, and is way less immediate for generating a dashboard with valuable content than Twitter’s “Just follow a bunch, the algorithm with add in the gaps”.

    Like right now the third post ok Discover is a Bara Furry artist essentially advertising his porn.

    Bara Furry Porn. The OPPOSITE of mainstream.

    I find the app very off putting every time I open it.