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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • but it’s still utterly useless.

    this is purely false. There are so many applications that bring value and if you can’t admit that then you are biased in some way/shape/form.

    As a sw dev, I use AI to speed up menial tasks or help me find different perspectives on certain things, shit it’s even helpful for debugging tricky things. You don’t need to be a coder to find value in AI though, things like auto-generated transcripts has been so fucking amazing, especially for podcasting in my case.

    I could go on and on. To say it is UTTERLY USELESS is disingenuous at best.

    The MOST impressive thing I’ve seen AI do is make really, really convincing furry porn babes. The things are good at mixing features in images. Sometimes.

    You are quite literally telling on yourself here, you seem to have a limited view of AI application and are judging the entire technology/concept based on that narrow set of use-cases (which appear to be, from your comment, chat bots, porn generators, future weather predictors, not exactly the pinnacle of AI application).

    I’m so over AI, please someone notify me when it’s really useful and can take over the menial, tedious tasks

    Here you go again! You seem to be equating value to the ability for the tech to function without supervision or assistance. Does AI only provide value to you if it can do those things completely autonomously? What if working with the AI is faster than not using it at all? Is it still useless to you?

  • Yeah and that is largely fueled by two things; poor/forced use of AI, and anti-AI media sentiment (which is in turn fueled by reactionary/emotional narratives that keep hitting headlines, commonly full of ignorance)

    AI can still provide actual value right now and can still improve. No it’s not the end-all but it doesn’t have to solve humanity’s problems to be worth using.

    This unfortunate situation is largely a result of the rush to market because that’s the world we live in these days. Nobody gives a fuck about completing a product they only care about completing it first, fuck quality that can come later. As a sr software engineer myself I see it all too often in the companies I’ve worked for. AI was heralded as christ’s second coming that will magically do all of this stuff while still in relative infancy, ensuring that an immature product was rushed out the door and applied to everything possible. That’s how we got here, and my first statement is where we are now.