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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • That argument is a very short (not very detailed) way of surmising the current issue with our world as a whole.

    Don’t like how cars have taken over the world, are the reason cities are hard to live in for low income families, and cause massive amount of climate damage? You can thank the 1% for that.

    Frustrated with how you don’t really own anything, your digital “property” can be taken away from you at a moments notice, and that everything you enjoy gets stuffed with schemes to make more money off of vulnerable people? You can thank the 1% for that.

    Angered that health care costs truly absurd amounts, that medicine is sold to the consumer with a 10,000% mark up, or that a single accident that was not their fault could land someone in debt for life? You can thank the 1% for that.

    A disturbing amount of things that are not good for our planet, keep the poor people poor, and generate inferior products/experiences is directly because of the insane power that the rich hold over our worlds systems.

    “It helps someone I don’t like because they are richer than me” is actually a wonderful definition of harm.

    Reddit used to be an amazing place of community and content that you couldn’t find anywhere on the internet. Then in the pursuit of money and the power that the 1% have Reddit (the company) started implementing practices that actively made the experience worse for the user, violated a person’s ownership of their content, and removed choice just like authoritative/dictatorship governments do.

    It feels to most people that there is nearly nothing that can be done about it. So when a person has the opportunity to directly go against the rich caste in our world they will take that opportunity immediately.

    I recommend taking a hard look at the things that concern you with our world, or cause you pain/annoyance/discomfort and try and learn WHY the issue is the way it is. The majority of the time is because some rich person/group of people (I’m looking at you lobby groups) has an obscene amount of power compared to all of the people affected.

    Lastly there is a reason that “Tax the rich/Eat the rich” is the rally cry of generations.

    It’s because the rich cause us harm.

  • Some, I’ve used blender and fusion 360 for my resin prints. Blender isn’t great for cad work obviously but has worked for some things and definitely for the more artistic stuff.

    I really love Fusion 360 but want to get rid of their dumb payment system but have yet to find a free alternative that is as easy to use. I use fusion maaaaybe 2 times every 3 months and like unlike blender it doesn’t feel like I have to keep using it constantly to remember all the shortcuts and menus etc. It just kind of works for the vast majority of stuff I do. I used to use Sketchup back when it was a real program and wasn’t online only.

  • Preservation only but not likely any better than a linguistic historian.

    But it gets tricky because LLMs only function on HUGE sets of data. LLMs are nothing more than complicated probability engines. Give it the question “What color is the sky?” and the math extracted from the massive databases that it has says the highest probability answer is “Blue”. It doesn’t actually KNOW the answer it just knows the probabilities of different words.

    Without large amounts of data on the dying language current gen LLM’s won’t be accurate or able to generate reliable answers. Shoot… LLMs can barely generate reliable answers with the massive datasets they currently have.

    I strongly recommend anyone even remotely interested in LLMs to read this interactive article:


  • If I could figure out how to move all my favorites and playlists AND continue discovering obscure music from around the world with ease, I would replace Spotify.

    I can’t think of another way for me to discover something like Indian Metal, all female Cuban acapella group, or power ambient deep in the middle of nowhere farmland NY. It’s not like those are going to be played on the radio. But I can type a random combo of letters and numbers into Spotify and start a radio based on the first band I don’t recognize. Let the discovery commence.

  • If you want to read it, here is the legislation that explicitly states online posting of plans for 3D-printed firearms requires a license under the Export Administration Regulations issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security. Note the section where it says ANY file in ANY format is included in the legislation and that you can receive up to 20 years imprisonment and $1 million in fines.


    Because you probably won’t read all 69 (nice) pages here relevant information under the section of “3D Printing of Firearms”

    Under section 734.7©, such “technology” or “software” may not be posted on the Internet without authorization from the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).

    Q.34: I am planning to post technology or software that meets the criteria in section 734.7©. Do I require a license or other prior approval from BIS before posting the “technology” or “software” on the Internet?

    A.34: Yes, a BIS license is required under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) prior to posting on the Internet of “technology” or “software” that meets the criteria under section 734.7©. No EAR license exceptions are available for such postings.

    Q.35: I understand that section 734.7© applies to Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) files, such as in G-code or AMF format, as executable code to produce the items described in paragraph ©. However, can you confirm whether the criteria in section 734.7© would also to apply to Computer Aided Design (CAD) files?

    A.35: Section 734.7© covers “technology” and “software” for the production of a firearm frame or receiver or complete firearm, controlled under ECCN 0A501, that is made available by posting on the Internet in an electronic format, such as AMF or G-code, and is ready for insertion into a computer numerically controlled machine tool, additive manufacturing equipment, or any other equipment that makes use of the ‘‘software’’ or ‘‘technology’’ to produce the firearm frame or receiver or complete firearm. Any file meeting that criteria is covered regardless of name, including CAD files. Moreover, this includes any file, including any CAD file, that can be processed by a software program into an electronic format, such as a CAM file, with no or minimal additional information or manipulation from the operator(s), and that the file once converted will be in an executable code for the production of a firearm frame or receiver or complete firearm.

    Q.36: If I do not obtain a BIS license prior to posting “technology” or “software” that meets the criteria in section 734.7©, will I be subject to penalties under the EAR? A.36: Yes. This would be a violation of the EAR and may result in significant administrative and criminal penalties under the EAR. Under the Export Control Reform Act of 2018, criminal penalties can reach 20 years imprisonment and $1 million per violation. Administrative monetary penalties can reach $308,901 per violation (subject to adjustment in accordance with U.S. law, e.g., the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114 -74, sec. 701)) or twice the value of the transaction, whichever is greater. Violations of the EAR may also lead to the denial of certain export privileges, potentially for a lengthy period of time.

  • If by SCOTUS you mean Trump, then he did say it was okay.

    in 2015 Defense Distributed sued the government for the right to sell their blueprints for their 3d printable guns. They lost in the federal courts and their appeal failed under the ruling that it was a violation of current firearm export laws.

    In 2018 the Trump administration settled with Defense Distributed and allowed them to share their blueprints as well as giving them $40,000 in compensation for previous legal fees. Side note: The founder of Defense Distributed left 3 months after the payment and was then arrested in Taiwan after having sex with an underage minor in Texas.

    in 2019 the attorney general filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration and the federal courts reversed the Trump decision once again making it illegal to share files without a license.

    As far as I am aware, I am not aware of any changes since then.