Alien Surfer

Each and every one of the creatures we descended from, stretching all the way back to the beginning of life on Earth, has survived by killing before being killed. We are the final product of a string of millions of killers.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • How does one do that? Through the Themes icon in the menu bar, under Preferences, I was able to double click on the following themes. Adapta-Nokto, CBlack, and Windows 10 Light Theme.

    There is a checkmark to the left of them indicating they are installed. But I can’t seem to activate them. I double click on them and nothing happens. Right mouse button and middle mouse button does nothing.

    When I go back to the Themes tab under Simplified Settings, they do not appear in the Style drop down list.

    How do I activate these themes I downloaded? I see they are in ~/.themes as expected.

    ~$ ll ~/.themes
    drwxrwxr-x  5 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:49 ./
    drwxr-x--- 26 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:55 ../
    drwxrwxr-x  9 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:48 Adapta-Nokto/
    drwxrwxr-x  7 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:48 CBlack/
    drwxrwxr-x  9 clu clu 4096 Sep 11 19:49 Windows-10/

    So I found an option under Themes Tab called Desktop. When I click it, the downloaded themes are available to select, along with a million other ones. I selected each of my themes but really didn’t notice much difference. The Start Menu changed a little bit. Very underwhelmed. Is theming only available for the Start Menu? No title bars, windows, background, icons, mouse looks different at all.

    I must be doing this wrong. ??? The Mouse Pointer, Applications, and Icons buttons don’t list the new theme as an option to select. ?? I guess I mistakenly thought a “theme” impacted most aspects of the GUI. ??

  • I think some news companies are trying to sue him for linking to articles without paying them, which is a strange turn of events given it wasn’t too long ago that businesses would paid you to link to their site (that’s what Elon says anyway; I’m not in web commerce so I don’t know personally how it works.) So, I guess he wants to have people write the news on his site instead?

    I think news companies are going bust?

  • George Castanza is a short, bald man that lives with his parents. He is insecure. To impress women, he often says he’s either a marine biologist, an importer/exporter, or an architect. He usually gets caught in a lie. In order to continue to convince someone he’ll go into further detail with a bit about his name is Art Vandaley from Vandalay Industries. He even had one of his friends answer the phone as such for some reason, don’t remember. Some lie about trying to establish a good reputation for a job or something, or trying to get promoted when working for the Yankees baseball team. Was a long time ago; I watched the originals when they were new (yes I am old). So I probably didn’t get all the details exactly right. I’m sure others with better memories than I will correct me. It was the funniest television of its time. Newer generation usually isn’t into stuff their parents (or even grandparents) watched, which is understandable.

  • No, this is real. An iPhone to kids is like a social status symbol and potential family wealth indicator. Of course it’s absolute bull, but just as adults are, kids are horribly manipulated by marketing and advertising too. Kids have glommed onto phones for conspicuous consumption whereas adults glom onto cars and houses for said signals.

    Of course not all adults or kids do this, but a great deal do. That’s where the stupid bumper sticker comes from that says, “He who has the most toys at the end wins!” Very ugly stuff, in my opinion. And if there is a devil, that’s where it lives mostly.