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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t want to fall into a slippery slope argument, but I really see this as the tip of a horrible iceberg. Seeing women as sexual objects starts with this kind of non consensual media, but also includes non consensual approaches (like a man that thinks he can subtly touch women in full public transport and excuse himself with the lack of space), sexual harassment, sexual abuse, forced prostitution (it’s hard to know for sure, but possibly the majority of prostitution), human trafficking (in which 75%-79% go into forced prostitution, which causes that human trafficking is mostly done to women), and even other forms of violence, torture, murder, etc.

    Thus, women live their lives in fear (in varying degrees depending on their country and circumstances). They are restricted in many ways. All of this even in first world countries. For example, homeless women fearing going to shelters because of the situation with SA and trafficking that exists there; women retiring from or not entering jobs (military, scientific exploration, etc.) because of their hostile sexual environment; being alert and often scared when alone because they can be targets, etc. I hopefully don’t need to explain the situation in third world countries, just look at what’s legal and imagine from there…

    This is a reality, one that is:

    Putting hundreds of millions of people into a state of hopeless depression

    Again, I want to be very clear, I’m not equating these tools to the horrible things I mentioned. I’m saying that it is part of the same problem in a lighter presentation. It is the tip of the iceberg. It is a symptom of a systemic and cultural problem. The AI by itself may be less catastrophic in consequences, rarely leading to permanent damage (I can only see it being the case if the victim develops chronic or pervasive health problems by the stress of the situation, like social anxiety, or commits suicide). It is still important to acknowledge the whole machinery so we can dimension what we are facing, and to really face it because something must change. The first steps might be against this “on the surface” “not very harmful” forms of sexual violence.

  • Technically, Mexico has had only two presidents from a right-wing party. Before, they were from the centrist party. The current president is a very well known leftist.

    The country was bombarded with religion for centuries, so maybe you are thinking of that, but even so, the majority support a version of religion that mixes a “social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples” with spirituality. It is similar to the recent declarations of Pope Francis about Marxists and Christians having a common goal It is called liberation theology.

    Also, Mexico tried to legalize drugs back in 1940. It was promoted by a psychiatrist that informed the government that substance abuse was a mental disorder, which was very progressive for the era. Here is the story.

    Of course, if you dig deeper, you’ll know the United States basically coerced Mexico into criminalizing drugs again.

    Around half the population still supports drug legalization, even after years of propaganda. The commenter below was shocked about abortion legalization. Abortion is legal in many places. Same-sex marriage is also legal, even in some more right-leaning states. A couple years ago, a transgender clinic with free care was opened in Mexico City. Similarly, free healthcare and many other welfare initiatives such as free education (including universities) are common and not negotiable for the average Mexican.

    So, yeah, I guess you’ll find homophobic old people, religious nuts, or lately, U.S.-influenced right-wing supporters, but Mexico is overall progressive as I see it. Even historically:

    Slave abolition was one of the first things Mexico did as an independent country, around 1810-1817. The first black president in 1829. Safe place for U.S. slaves to escape and live as free people during the 19th century. First native (indigenous) president in 1858. The Constitution has been protecting native populations’ rights since 1917. During the 20th century, there were big movements in favor of socialism (e.g., agrarian socialists called zapatistas, or students’ movements in the National Autonomous University of Mexico). The list goes on… The first woman president is probably happening this year.

    I hope this puts things into perspective, and sorry for infodumping!

  • A recent comment of mine:

    In an old interview, Mr. Narcissus [Elon Musk] said he may have bipolar disorder; he said he experiences “great highs, terrible lows, and unrelenting stress”.

    He has doubts because his highs and lows follow events in his life, whereas episodes from bipolar disorder often appear without triggers. […]

    We’d know if he went for an evaluation/possible diagnosis, but I cannot even imagine him doing it.

    Kanye West is usually manic when he acts this way. I guess this supports Musk’s suspicion.

  • It’s so silly. People around the world explain their culture and don’t assume everyone knows about it, give their location appropriately, and do not believe they are the center of the world. It’s like:

    Random question posted: Why is eating octopus more and more popular?

    Random user: In my region, we really don’t eat much octopus. I am from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. We eat red meat much more. But I guess octopus is growing in popularity worldwide due to [expanation].

    Another random user: Where? Here in Portugal it has always been “popular”.

    Average American user: Midwestern here. I don’t see octopus much and I don’t like it. Call me stereotypical, but I love my meat and T-Ravs. Anyway, I believe the popularity is due to Biden’s administration. [Details about Biden’s changes]. …So that all America has seen this rise, especially on the East Coast."

    🤷🏻‍♀️ …Why?