Revolut uses google wallet to do payments
Just a gamer, might stream again one day:
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Revolut uses google wallet to do payments
Woah its literally worldwide
Great find! I wasn’t able to find it before. Time to check it out
Just checked wikipedia
I am severely confused now
FYI: Check if whatever brand you like also works with Tony’s for their supply chain. For example Jumbo (NL supermarket) sources their chocolate from Tony’s and there’s quite a lot more partners.
Just found out snowpiercer is made in EU?? Great series!
Yeahhh I don’t know who thought that was a good name hahaha
Steam isn’t a monopoly, there are other choices but they just suck. Epic games in terms of game availability already replaces a good 80% of my active library, itch, ubisoft, ea, etc also exist but are just so bad as well.
Steam is basically the only option… That cares about gamers and actually provides a good service.
I never said I cared about that in the first place. But even after games are removed from Steam they still allow you to download it whenever. Its only really an issue should Gabe choose a replacement for him that isn’t as pro gamers as he is.
This community is about buying european, not complaining about having DRM.
See you already found the reason it is ok, but yeah what you are saying is completely right when talking about sites like G2A, Kinguin, etc where YOU can sell your keys as that opens the gates for illegal stuff
Hence I mentioned legit resellers (from the EU) that do support the publishers.
My purchase on fanatical
Good question! Real resellers (so NOT g2a, etc) get their keys from publishers directly (so they pay for them). The publishers get these keys from steam for free and by buying them from a reseller steam takes 0% of the money. So by using an EU reseller more money stays here.
Ohh I’ve actually been on their website sometime. Good to know they’re UK based thanks!
Maar een tegenstander van een ban stelt: „Boycot liever alle nutteloze rommel die uit China komt.”
(Someone against a ban says: “Boycott all the useless stuff from China”)
Why not both?
Steam is still basically the only option AND they are actually helping Linux a lot with game compatibility. Altough, if I need games specifically on steam I’ll be buying the key from Greenmangaming (UK) or GamersGate (Sweden). If anybody has more alternatives feel free to let me know so I can add them to my list.
GOG sadly misses a majority of games atm so I just can’t replace steam with it yet.
I did find out and do sorta use it now! Still don’t agree with the name though
Nothing also has a watch which can be used for health tracking and its quite cheap!
Understandable, most car companies have garbage software (the Yaris I drive now included). Tesla is just leagues ahead at this point and I hope VW is gonna improve a lot looking at their mockups
I really don’t mind it, having driven a Tesla for a year it wasn’t bad at all.
Any alternative I’ve found was either riddled with ads or paid (so I didn’t try it, cause why would I pay if I don’t even know it works)
Seems like its something we’re still kinda stuck with. Try just paying with card or even better cash