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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Two five star hotels isn’t something you find in a prison.


    Also 70% of jews in Israel, half the population are native jews not Europeans of any kind.

    Of the 20% Arab population, as many that live in Gaza, 70% identify with Israel over Palestine. A historic high that increased after weeks of war. Calling them colonizers is inaccurate and insulting levels of racism.

    The life expectancy in Gaza was actually 75 years, whatever 40 number you saw is misinformation. They had an average amount of hospitals and medical clinics per capita. There’s a lot of kids because people have a lot of kids. Why the population has ballooned.

    They also managed to get phones and other resources in. Almost like it wasn’t really a full blockade. Lots would go to work in Israel before the latest war.

  • I think it’s a pretty verifiable thing and that both sides have motive to push prop.

    One just caught lying about this already. I don’t mean historically I mean this actual incident.

    Instead of waiting as long as we have the ordinance should have been shown through spokesmen immediately and at the press conference the ministry held surrounded by bodies.

    It takes time to do a convincing fake. So I expect this debate will reignite later.

  • The European and US intelligence services estimated the death toll at ~50 and 100-300 respectively.

    I assume satellite imagery and counting…there’s probably also UAVs from all the great powers recording footage.

    Seperately im fairly certain the Israeli security services have spies all over gaza. Somewhat grimly I think the air strikes have had a large component of people on the ground marking areas for strikes after confirming the presence of some Hamas member. It was a strategy exploited during the Russia/Ukraine war and it’s something Israelis can do because they are largely the same ethnicity.

    As for the size of the explosion it’s not a great source but you can review pyrotechnic demonstrations of actual military munitions versus like a small special effects explosion and a lot of fuel. The former tends to not actually have a huge fire ploom like the hospital bombing had. There is one it’s just relatively small. If the rocket misfired and had a lot of ignited fuel spraying over the area… It causes that sort of imagery and casualties.

  • The hospital isn’t destroyed and no staff were killed.

    A bunch of refugees in the parking lot, a lot less than reported by the health ministry, got killed by being coated in propellant and ignited. Fuel explosions make a big visual effect, but don’t really destroy buildings.

    The same health ministry that over reported casualties is also hiding the ordinance remnants that did it instead of showing the world.