• 11 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • Have you not heard of all these red states that ban books, burn them, and have begun censoring the internet? Like 6 states now can’t access pornhub because those states have decided that those websites are illegal in their state.

    Well, do you think that stops at JUST porn??? Did you not follow the net neutrality battle of the past 15 years? Have you not heard of project 2025?

    They take 2 inches, we push back 1 3/4th inches. They push 2 more inches, we push back 1 3/4th inches. Well that just means they’ve gained 1/2 an inch. Now apply this same mentality to at LEAST the second term of Obama. It’s a continual thing that just keeps on going a little bit worse everyday. And does not have an endgame in sight. They want more for themselves, and less for everybody else. They want things to be like russia basically. They want a nation of uninformed, easily manipulated, easy to control consumers. They want to control the narrative of what YOU need to buy, and what you’re ALLOWED to do with your life. That’s why they’re anti-abortion. An aborted fetus is just one less consumer for them to make money off of. They don’t give a shit about “purity of life”. They care about money, power, and control. It’s ALL interconnected, and the internet is the biggest tool humanity has EVER had to combat their agenda.

    And my point in all of this is, there are people out there, who are completely unaware, not caring that their rights are being taken away, little by little as the years go on. Nobody looks for it. Nobody seems to notice. And that’s the point of this, is to MAKE people aware. To point it out, and let people know to watch their surroundings. Question things around themselves. Why are things the way that they are? Follow it’s roots. Figure it out through independant research. A well informed populace is the biggest hinderance towards a facist agenda.

  • People! Pay attention! THIS is why censorship is so bad. THIS is the slippery slope it leads to. Censoring information is just the first step in controlling the public, and keeping them uninformed/misinformed.

    It’s the same as burning books. It’s the same as shutting down websites. It’s the same as only allowing state only channels to report news.

    Back in the 80s the USA knew about chernobyl about a week after it happened. Russian citizens didn’t know for 3-4 weeks later.

    China knew about Covid in August of 2019. They tried to supress the news until it finally leaked in November 2019.

    Now russia wants to supress information of how badly the “special military operation” is going…almost 3 years into a 3 day operation.

    So make sure you take note when people around you try to supress information, and ask WHY they want to do that. Looking at you, Florida…

  • There’s a guy in the world of pro wrestling named Jim Cornette that said a quote this reminds me of.

    Cornette is known for holding grudges, and being hateful. He keeps a shitlist of people he hates.

    Well in the 1980s he was working for a wrestling company, and hated one of his coworkers for a year. Then a new guy came in and was so much worse.

    Then one day he says to the first guy “You know, you used to be at the top of my shit list, but with all these new fuckheads coming in, you managed to move down a few spots simply by not doing anything!”

  • Having not yet used this service, I can’t comment on the service itself. What I will say is that it sounds interesting, until I realized one VERY important detail…


    This service is designed to bring you all the content that you feed data locations to pull from. Ok, that’s all well and good, but the problem is, there’s such a lack of content on the fediverse that it’s not overwhelming right now to just log into Lemmy, see the 3-10 replies per day. Log into Mastodon, realize you’re following like 6 accounts and 5 of them are bots, with the 6th one barely posting.

    This service is like a very useful water pump to pull water out of a body of water, and distribute it to a more convienent tank…and then you place it’s input in the middle of the Nevada desert. Doesn’t mean the water pump is faulty, or not expertly designed. Just means it needs water to pull from.

    That seems to be my frustration with the fediverse. There are very few content CREATORS, who don’t revolve around a few basic topics. Politics, Technology…and that’s it. And yes, I’m lumping video games, linux, computers, all that into technology. If it’s something you need a screen for, or connects to something with a screen, that’s lumped into technology.

    I mildly care about politics. Under normal circumstances I don’t care at all. I usually say “let other people worry about it.” But these last 8 years have been just a constant barrage of bullshit, that it becomes necissary to care, as everybody is going to get fucked over otherwise.

    Technology I have moderate interest in. I wouldn’t call it the most important thing to me, but I wouldn’t say I have zero interest either.

    But then what…

    Sports talk among locals is practically non-existant here (except for the Baltimore Oriols, who have a surprisingly strong community).

    There’s a pro-wrestling community which seemingly has 4 active commentors, including mods, and 2-3 other people who pop in from time to time.

    So I try to do my part to write at LEAST one entertaining post per day. Some days I write more. Most days I have half a dozen smaller bite size posts as little jokes or whatever. And then I try to post SOMETHING that people are going to disagree with. I feel like THIS post is that post for the day. Mostly because nobody likes to take responsibility for a community, and nobody likes being called out as being just a consumer, and not a producer of content.

    And PeerTube is pathetic. Lemmy at least has some degree of variety. It’s not much, but it tries. Peertube on the otherhand is “EVERYTHING IS A LINUX VIDEO!!! ONLY LINUX EXISTS ON THIS PLATFORM!!!”

    I can’t say I produce any video content, but with a linux only content platform, I can’t say I even consume either. It’s a service I want to like, but they make it so damned hard.

    And Lemmy is easy to keep track of everything, and I run out of content usually within an hour. Even though I log in several times a day. It’s like drinking water from a shotglass when you want a galllon.

    So I don’t see much use for this new thing. Not because it’s not a well made product, again, I have no usage experience, but because the sources it’s pulling from are barron dry.

  • Quite honestly, back in the 90s I thought it was essential to have a printer. Back then I used to buy a binder, and a bunch of those plastic paper holding sleeves. And I’d print out entire gamefaqs which were sometimes 300 pages.

    Then ink started to get expensive. So I stopped. Then now these new printers have DRM. So I just never bought a printer since the 90s.

    And I feel I’m not alone. I bet there are millions of people who would be printer customers if printer ink weren’t the most artificially expensive substance on the planet.

    If I could go out and buy a printer replacement ink pack for $5.00 and have it last a few months, I’d just buy them regularly. Instead I haven’t paid one dime in close to 25 years. Gee, guess that financial decision paid off for them…

  • You guys are going about this all wrong. All you gotta do is connect your smart tv to the internet. Don’t use pihole. Let your tv communicate exactly how it wants to. Then buy some DVDs of local indy pro wrestling. The kind where women staple each other with staple guns, and smash light tubes over each others heads and bleed profusely.

    Now…why would you do this? Because advertisers HATE advertising with pro wrestling. They also have nothing TO advertise for women with bloody faces, and broken noses.

    Let THAT data get back to them. Who’s going to advertise to the guy who watches pro-wrestling from a high school gym where women leave pools of blood on the ground??? If everyone did this, for 10 hours a day, advertisers would deem the American market not worth the money to advertise to.