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Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • It’s almost like the only solution is to de commodify housing everywhere, globally, and provide everyone shelter because it’s a human right and so clearly works to fix many mental health problems.

    It’s almost like C A P I T A L I S M does not inherently provide a good living standard to everyone, and allows the very wealthiest to pit us against each other in a rat race to the bottom. “Decommodification means someone will take your house!” No. It means you’ll always have a place to live and enough housing will be built to support the entire population. It means that billionaires will have to give up their extra homes.

  • Most of the parties with ‘Communist’ in the name are exactly what you said: dinosaurs from a bygone era that either abandoned Marxist thought decades ago or are Stalinist offshoots (the leader of the Portuguese Communist party frothed at the mouth to worship at the altar of BRICS, conveniently forgetting that BRICS is simply another imperialist approach to controlling the world economy to the benefit of a few wealthy individuals). Same goes for here in Canada as well. The name has brand recognition, but the Communist Party of Canada 1. Isn’t a political party really; and 2. doesn’t do anything beyond go to a few protests throughout the year. Hilarious.

    There’s a ton of young marxists that don’t belong to these archaic parties though. In Canada, 1 million people under the age of 25 admitted to being communist last year. Seems like everyone is just waiting for a revolutionary force to develop.

  • Lmao, this guys post history. I’d accuse him of being a shill but I think he’s sucking corporate dick for free.

    Ok. Life expectancy in america is lower for poor people. We can agree on that. Can you please compare it to the life expectancy in communist countries, like North Korea, USSR or China during Mao regime?

    Lots of gems in there like this one, check through for a laugh. I don’t know why, but every right wing dirtbag that talks about “Marxist ideology indoctrinating children” is also an Elon and trump simp. Every single one. Evidence that the right loves strongmen, dictators and big leather daddies to tell them what to do and run society for them.

  • You didn’t watch the video did you? They don’t mention anything that

    All you liberals give cons a lot of shit for being bloodthirsty war hawks but you froth at the mouth at the thought of war too. You’ll look at situations like what’s happening in Gabon and Niger, say “wow the French are fucked and they kind of deserve it for what they did to those countries”, and then develop an amazing blind spot for western imperialism in Eastern Europe.

    Obviously this war shouldn’t have happened. Obviously Putin is an asshole. Obviously what’s happening in Ukraine needs to be stopped.

    We (the west) made our own monster though.

  • There’s a lot of angry liberals replying to your post, so I thought I’d link a great video on how/why the war in Ukraine came to be:


    This channel is leftist but they aren’t communists, as far as I know.

    Tldw: This war was completely avoidable. Had the US/NATO kept its promise to not expand eastward none of this would have happened. Even Biden said that 25 years ago. Americans groomed certain Ukrainians for political office, and prevented others from running. There was an opportunity to end the war last year on somewhat decent terms for Ukraine, but Boris Johnson rushed in to stop it from happening, promising massive support. But war exhaustion has caught up and Ukraine is running out of people, and western leaders are already starting to call for the end of the war — except this time it will be on russias terms and Ukraine is going to get fucked. Big western capitalists have had their fingers in this pie because there’s a lot of money to be made in the country. That’s it.

    Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Putins invasion was a horrific, imperialist move. Any commie you see protesting the war isn’t doing it because they support Russia (Russia is a capitalist country), they’re doing it because they don’t support NATO. We are often the makers of our own enemies here in the west. Viet Cong, Taliban, ISIS, and Russia were all created or shaped by western (mainly US) policies.