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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • We already have issue to stop people believing fake news in writing form. I don’t see how we can stop people believing well made fake news with audio and video.

    Personally I think every country needs some form of gov independent news media, to at least have some source of information available that is majorly trustworthy.

    Everything profit oriented will result in propagation of missinformation as long as it generates clicks.

    Oh and don’t let AI control weapons, worst mistake one can make. We don’t even manage self driving cars, let alone a drone with mass killing weapons.

    Punishment won’t reflect the complexity anymore. Say some 14 years old creates a fake video of the president declaring war, a war happens for real because it goes viral, millions die. Is this 14 years now going to prison for life? Would a 16 or 18 years old? What I’m trying to say, the level of resistance is a totally different than picking up a gun and shooting someone. A simple bad day or a stupid child joke, soon has the power of a well planned and expensive propaganda campaign.

    To block commercial products from allowing certain actions could be a start, but not a total fix. Say an AI filter for faces of public figures or keyword filters for the LLM/chatbots. Not perfect but better than nothing.

    AI is very broad, you can put everything with software into that topic too. Also it’s not easy to define what is AI and what not. A rule based system is already some form of dumb AI. So every law effects pretty much everything else.

    I’m pretty sure we get a shit load of unprepared governments, creating all sorts of surveillance laws. A international organisation could prevent the worst of it.

    We better start educating people yesterday on how AI works, the consequences and the ways to avoid blind actions. Excuse me, we have climate to save…

  • Great and in 2 -3 years we find out, that someone has actively abused this security hole for years and stole whatever master key is required, to create their own fake government CA and has been spying on everyone for years. Or political opposition was imprisoned before they could act. Best is, such man in the middle attacks allow for all sorts of things, including putting fake evidence on your computer.

    Oh yes, no one would ever do that every, totally never happened and won’t. Nazis will also never come back. What, they soon are the biggest party in Germany, in other countries too? And will dictate rules in the EU? No one could see that happening…

    Where there’s honey, there will be bears.

    I just hope we can create a browser plugin to deny gov CAs automatically or a browser from outside EU to block that shit. …until your ISP is forced by law to block traffic from these.

    One step closer to a great EU firewall and it sucks. Good old salami tactics. Because at some point it doesn’t even matter if there are ways to mitigate this spying, if the alternative are so complicated and uncomfortable to use, that 99,999% of the people won’t bother.