You have to manually add the swipe typing library it in advanced setting. You can find the library here.
There is a way to get swipe typing working
Heliboard with Futo voice typing ( unlike gboard it works offline)
😆 Indian government is so weird.
I use a bot on mastodon named [email protected] . It sends me a link of new videos from creators I follow.I directly open the link with Tubular (newpipe fork) or freetube and download it to watch later.
Try other app stores like fdroid
I have rethink and nextdns
So it’s making those Google firebase DNS requests.
I was using mulch on one of my old phone . I don’t use it that much but mulch was the only browser that it could run.
They didn’t mentioned Mull . What will happen with it? Will it be discontinued,??
Than its googls fault
I have seen it happening when Force dark mode is on in developer option
In my list everything is open source
on Fdroid updates are slow ( you’ll get update after 2-3 days) Obtainium works with app verifier.
What list man
Maybe you don’t use that many apps
This thing is super annoying. Maybe there is some xposed module to bypass this . i don’t known my phone isn’t rooted.
All of them are manually added. It took me around 6 months
Yeah I tried it with fennac