• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I won’t touch the proprietary junk. Big tech “free” usually means street corner data whore. I have a dozen FOSS models running offline on my computer though. I also have text to image, text to speech, am working on speech to text, and probably my ironman suit after that.

    These things can’t be trusted though. It is just a next word statistical prediction system combined with a categorization system. There are ways to make an LLM trustworthy, but it involves offline databases and prompting for direct citations, these are different from Chat prompt structures.

  • Have you seen the great gatspy with Wizard too? That’s what always comes up when mine goes too far. I’m working on compiling llama.cpp from source today. I think that’s all I need to be able to use some of the other models like Llama2-70B derivatives.

    The code for llama.cpp is only an 850 line python file (not exactly sure how python=CPP yet but YOLO I guess, I just started reading the code from a phone last night). This file is where all of the prompt magic happens. I think all of the easy checkpoint model stuff that works in Oobabooga uses python-llama-cpp from pip. That hasn’t had any github repo updates in 3 months, so it doesn’t work with a lot of newer and larger models. I’m not super proficient with Python. It is one of the things I had hoped to use AI to help me learn better, but I can read and usually modify someone else’s code to some extent. It looks like a lot of the functionality (likely) built into the more complex chat systems like Tavern AI are just mixing the chat, notebook, and instruct prompt techniques into one ‘context injection’ (-if that term makes any sense).

    The most information I have seen someone work with independently offline was using langchain with a 300 page book. So I know at least that much is possible. I have also come across a few examples of people using langchain with up to 3 PDF files at the same time. There is also the MPT model with up to 32k context tokens but it looks like it needs server machine ram in the hundreds of GB to function.

    I’m having trouble with distrobox/conda/nvidia on Fedora Workstation. I think I may start over with Nix soon, or I am going to need to look into proxmox, virtualization or go back to an immutable base to ensure I can fall back effectively. I simply can’t track down where some dependencies are getting stashed and I only have 6 distrobox containers so far. I’m only barely knowledgeable enough in Linux to manage something like this well enough for it to function. - suggestions welcome

  • WizardLM 30B at 4 bits with the GGML version on Oobabooga runs almost as fast as Llama2 7B on just the GPU. I set it up with 10 threads on the CPU and ~20 layers on the GPU. That leaves plenty of room for a 4096 context with a batch size of 2048. I can even run a 2GB Stable Diffusion model at the same time with my 3080’s 16GBV.

    Have you tried any of the larger models? I just ordered 64GB of ram. I also got kobold mostly working. I hope to use it to try Falcon 40. I really want to try a 70B model at 2-4 bit and see how its accuracy is.

  • Cookies are not needed. They are shifting the security onto the user. Secure the information on the server just like any other business. Offloading onto the client is wrong. It leads to ambiguity and abuses. Visiting a store and a business on the internet are no different. My presence gives no right to my person, searches, or tracking in the location or outside of it. Intentions are worthless. The only thing that matters is what is possible and practiced. Every loophole is exploited and should be mitigated. The data storage and coding practices must change.

  • Nah, it should be the default state of affairs. Data mining is stalking and theft. It centers around very poor logic and decisions.

    Things like browser cookies are criminal garbage. Storing anything on a user’s computer is stalking. Draw the parallel here; if you want to shop in any local store, I want you to first tell me everything you are wearing and carrying in a way that I can tell every possible detail about it, tell where you came from before you visited this store, where you are going next. They also want to know everything you looked at, how you react to changes in items presented to you and changes in prices. They want enough information to connect you across stores based on your mode of transportation, and have enough data to connect your habits over the last two decades.

    Your digital existence should not be subject to slavery either. Ownership over ourselves is a vital aspect of freedom. Privacy is about ownership and dominion. If you dislike all the digital rights management and subscription services nonsense, these exist now as a direct result of people neglecting ownership. In the big picture, this path leads all of humanity back into another age of feudalism. The only difference between a serf and a citizen is ownership over property and tools. Everything happening right now is a battle over a new age of slavery. “You will own nothing and you will be happy about it.” Eventually this turns into 'Your grandchildren will own nothing and say nothing or they will be dead about it." What you do about your privacy now will be a very big deal from the perspective of future generations.