Couldn’t find one more to make it an even million huh?
Couldn’t find one more to make it an even million huh?
Nah once they’re CEOs they’re good. They just go sit on various boards making millions for doing relatively nothing.
But when we pay the workers more the stock price doesn’t go up! Won’t anyone think of the stock price!
/s just in case anyone wasn’t sure.
I used to do some coding in high school and early college. I’ve since moved on to other things but it’s fun to have ChatGPT write me a little python script or something and debug my way through it.
Pretty much the same story. Got pissed at an inkjet one night when my wife needed to print something for school. Still going strong 1 toner replacement later.
Which also means your company is storing your old passwords which is a big security issue
T-Mobile owned companies and data breaches. Can you name a better duo?