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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • Thats on the companies to figure out, tbh. “you cant say we arent allowed to build biological weapons, thats too hard” isn’t what you’re saying, but it’s a hyperbolic example. The industry needs to figure out how to control the monster they’ve happily sent staggering towards the village, and really they’re the only people with the knowledge to figure out how to stop it. If it’s not possible, maybe we should restrict this tech until it is possible. LLMs aren’t going to end the world, probably, but a protein sequencing AI that hallucinates while replicating a flu virus could be real bad for us as a species, to say nothing of the pearl clutching scenario of bad actors getting ahold of it.

  • I’ll give you credit, that’s one of the better attempts to slide into my DMs I’ve yet seen. But man, you must realize that’s not going to happen. Additionally, trying to isolate a conversation with a woman when you discover your opinion is not the broadly popular one is not a great look. I don’t think you think your intent is do that, or to gatekeep having opinions to only those that post content in the ways you want, but that’s sure how you are coming across.

    Look I’m not trying to attack you here, just point out behavior you’re probably not even aware of. You’re ignoring the voices of people explaining why they do not post more content and then justifying the same behavior they’re explaining is the reason they do not post more content by using the lack of content as the justification. I get this is a small, slow community but it’s going to turn into a generic r/nsfw_* community if every time a criticism is made it gets met with this kind of passive-aggressive passivity.

  • Huh, I didn’t realize there was a “pictures of my ass” threshold I had to meet before I was allowed to have an opinion.

    You’ve really highlighted the issue here, there’s not much content! I used to post pretty regularly on reddit, and I’m getting back into the habit on my lemmy alt, but the reason I stopped posting on reddit is that every community on there got absolutely smothered with crossposts. I’m not in this for the money, I’m just kinda slutty and get off on exhibitionism, and nothing kills smaller communities like just-for-fun OC posters getting drowned out by a small number of pros splashing their goods across all and sundry. It’s just not any fun.

    In a community as young as Lemmy is, small actions will have an outsize impact on the broad community and it’s future. Look, I’m not hating on the content or the hustle. A girls gotta eat, and I don’t begrudge someone with an ass that nice working it for a payday. I’d just like lemmy not to be yet another soulless parasocial click mine where just-for-fun posters like me don’t have a place. And I’d be dishonest if I didn’t admit that I just really hate ads.