Great use of passive voice sir
Great use of passive voice sir
Not exactly an original opinion but I hate this. I watch ads on my Roku app, I watch them on the mobile app, can’t they just let it go on web browser? This just wreaks of greed
Idk if it’s immoral or not, but if Disney is resorting to AI to keep the content slurry flowing that’s more a sign of growing creative bankruptcy than anything.
They should have kept the original title.
Just watched this series recently. Kinda wish I’d waited instead of running ahead and finishing the manga.
No way
Kinda surprised they’re doing this already.
Fines aren’t near enough at this point, we need public executions at a minimum to put a dent in this problem.
I was surprised they didn’t roll this out from the jump, I bet they could have gotten a lot more accounts to do it on the dl. But now everyone is pot committed to blue checks being cringe or not.
I think in the US we’re basically going to end up doing, while not the exact same thing, something similar. Probably in the name of combating “disinformation.”