Maybe watering wicks or a blumat-type setup? Then you could put a water jar lower and just refill that.
That’s beautiful. Thank you for the great explanation!
That’s awesome! Would you mind walking me through locking/banning? I thought I explored all the options but this is my first time being a mod and using Sync so it’s been a ton of information.
Edit: Is there a FAQ or documentation I can read? Sorry for all the noob questions.
To be honest, I’m really not sure what mod powers I even have on Lemmy. The things that stick out to me are:
Edit sub ‘about’ page
Lock threads
Ban users, also view banned users and un-ban
Thank you for making Sync + Lemmy and thank you for working so hard to make it user/mod friendly!
Fallout. The one that comes to mind is the Fallout 4 menu music, but I’ve gotten that feeling with nearly all their games.