Praise Stallman
Praise Stallman
No, I’m a lazy shite, I just did an image search for clippy 1984. I feel bad now I didn’t make more of an effort 😕
Cool! This seems like an good write up on it
Bottleneck Bandwidth and Round-trip propagation time (BBR) is a TCP congestion control algorithm developed at Google in 2016. Up until recently, the Internet has primarily used loss-based congestion control, relying only on indications of lost packets as the signal to slow down the sending rate. This worked decently well, but the networks have changed. We have much more bandwidth than ever before; The Internet is generally more reliable now, and we see new things such as bufferbloat that impact latency. BBR tackles this with a ground-up rewrite of congestion control, and it uses latency, instead of lost packets as a primary factor to determine the sending rate.
Assuming you’re not paid or being forced to do this, you must know you’re being used as a tool for the fascists you claim to despise. Platforming trump is support and I see there is no mention of the direct relationship to Putin in all the very loud refuting of this support…
I really can’t be bothered going and finding all the pretty fucking obvious examples of you shitheads either apologising or glorifying putin, or coming out with pure incel stuff, or platforming trump. Which makes sense given it seems to be the same campaign as before, and its pretty fucking obvious at this point, very sloppy… I’ve clearly hit a nerve lol. It’d be great if you all could change track at this point and stop platforming that odious cunt, don’t worry I know there is unfortunately no option to stop shilling putin…
Jesus fucking christ, this has comments talking about trump living rent free in muh libs heads
You’re the same pack of fucking incels mixed in with the same russian shilling from 2016, that post was from an hour ago, took me seconds to find it
No ‘leftists’ don’t, but you’re all pepe loving little bootlicking fascists.
If they weren’t such weasels and actually agrued back rather than just ban people like the spineless dimwit twats they are, I’d say the argument that they are easily filtered holds. But given they are just looking to propagate their shilling for Russia, trump (and they definitely do this) etc… fuck em!
Two birds with one stone
This, he’s also really pissed the unionist lunatics off in northern Ireland by laughing in the face of their leader with the leader of Sein Fein. Poor Jeffrey was so excited that day too…
Well, what I seen this image as was the classic divide and conquer strategy of the capitalist classes against the working class and/or arbitrary race category to enable them to control and/or murder at will.
However, this image is actually a complete gas lighting exercise in using toxic characteristics from capitalism to describe communism. I didn’t notice the hammer and sickle, which to be fair makes no fucking sense…
The relevance to the above post was really trying to play on
“The Production of too many useful things results in too many useless people”
which I take as a satirical poke at the deficiencies of capitalism, although it’s of unknown origin as far as I know…
If automation does reach a point where labour isn’t needed, then it may well encourage the likes of Murdoch et al to intensify the encouragement of class war.
Sorry, I clearly don’t pay enough attention to the shit I post :(
A human surplus. This on steroids possibly?
until there isn’t a human surplus in the consideration of those who manipulate the easily led…
Or a more complete solution to you having a problem with it would be you being in the tiny percentage.
Ponzi scheme with some confusing mathematics to make it appear legitimate.
I use Arch.
They’ll have modelled the acoustic signals to differentiate between different keys. Individual acoustic waves eminating from pressing a key will have features extracted from them to identify them. Opimal featues are then choose to maximise accuracy, such as features that still work when the signal is captured at different distances or angles. With all these types of singsl processing inference models, you never get 100 percent. The claim of 95 percent is actually very high.
Ummm was weather foresting not always done using probalistic interference models, i.e AI?
Weather forecasts have recently felt like they’ve been less accurate, i.e. you maybe get a good level of confidence for a day, but two days and it might be completely different. This makes sense given the climate is changing and previous models wont fit as well…
Are LLMs going to consume search data for raincoats and air-conditioning to improve the weather forecast. Clearly time to invest in AI now, the revolution is here!