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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • The reality is that renewable energy is unpredictable and best suited to flexible generation. Please do not misunderstand me, I fully support the development of all renewable technologies. However, when we wean ourselves of fossil fuels, we will need new baseload power plants. Nuclear is currently the best option to provide stable baseload generation.

    Do you have a source for this?

    Because grids already deal with changing demand and if the generation is geographically distributed this issue could probably be solved with less storage than electrc cars are using. See this paper

  • once you have reactor designs up and running, building a lot of capacity both cheaper and quicker.

    But its the same with renewables and storage, they will improve as well and most likely keep their cost advantage.

    And you seem to ignore Opportunity costs again. If we build to much nuclear plants and don’t need the energy later we could have invested the money better in other areas, like education. Again, money is a finite resource.

    And another reason why I prefer renewables to nuclear is decentralisation. With renewables everyone can partake in energy generation, while nuclear is only for big corporations or governments. I’d rather have a robust decentralised grid where almost everyone is consuming and producing local most of the time than a grid relying on a few huge producers, which are a huge target for sabotage or vulnerable to natural catastrophes.