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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • The original reporting by 404media is excellent in that it covers the background context, links to the actual PDF of the lawsuit, and reaches out to an outside expert to verify information presented in the lawsuit and learned from their research. It’s a worthwhile read, although it’s behind a paywall; archive.ph may be effective though.

    For folks that just want to see the lawsuit and its probably-dodgy claims, the most recent First Amended Complaint is available through RECAP here, along with most of the other legal documents in the case. As for how RECAP can store copies of these documents, see this FAQ and consider donating to their cause.

    Basically, AXS complains about nine things, generally around: copyright infringement, DMCA violations (ie hacking/reverse engineering), trademark counterfeiting and infringement, various unfair competition statutes, civil conspiracy, and breach of contract (re: terms of service).

    I find the civil conspiracy claim to be a bit weird, since it would require proof that the various other ticket websites actually made contact with each other and agreed to do the other eight things that AXS is complaining about. Why would those other websites – who are mutual competitors – do that? Of course, this is just the complaint, so it’s whatever AXS wants to claim under “information and belief”, aka it’s what they think happened, not necessarily with proof yet.

  • In agreement with the other comments, this is indeed a very dense diagram, specifically the right-side. Focusing on that some more, my chief concern is that this novel triangle representation is very easy to misread.

    Let’s take the dot in the middle which has the arrow with “10M”. What would you say the car percentage for that dot is? The axis along the bottom of the triangle is labeled 0 to 100%, and the dot is just to the right of the 50% demarcation. So maybe 52% or 55% seems reasonable, yeah?

    But the axis is deceiving: notice how the demarcation are all slanted at the bottom. The dot is actually representing about 42%, since although the axis is marked horizontally, the line which is 50% slopes north-east rather than straight up. You can see the 50% number itself is actually rotated 60 degrees counter-clockwise.

    The public transit axis on the left of the triangle has its demarcations tilted clockwise by 60 degrees as well. Only the active transport axis matches the conventional Y axis.

    For that UI/UX reason alone, I wouldn’t endorse this as a “great” depiction of statistical data. If a diagram can – intentionally or not – be used to mislead a casual reader, it’s not one we should put up on a pedestal.

    I also had a gripe about the successive colors not being consistent for each mode of transport, but that’s minor and easily corrected. The tilted axes may require some reworking though.

  • I’m reluctant to upvote this, since it’s leaving out a lot of rather important caveats about the dataset. This depiction is presented as “the number of aviation incidents between the two giants since 2014 in the U.S. and international waters”. Here, “international waters” means the regions of the North Pacific Ocean, north Atlantic Ocean, and Gulf of Mexico, whose airspace services are delegated by ICAO to the United States, administered by the FAA. It’s not US airspace, but it’s administered as if it was, meaning accident reports get filed with FAA and NTSB, the source of this data.

    The other caveat is that the total size of the Boeing fleet flying through FAA-administered airspace versus the total Airbus fleet is closer to 2-to-1, with nearly twice as many Boeing aircraft as Airbus aircraft, using 2018 estimates. This is including all the aircraft which US airliners currently operate, not just the newest ones they’ve bought in recent years.

    Finally, in the reporting parlance, an aircraft “incident” means a non-serious injury event that happened. If major injuries or death occurred, that would be an “aircraft accident”. So an incident could include anything like:

    • Returning to the airport because of an unruly passenger
    • Another aircraft getting too close but not requiring evasive manoeuvres (aka minimum separation violation)
    • Overspeeding of the aircraft, such as exceeding 250 knots while still below 10,000 ft
    • An engine failure
    • A door plug falling off, causing minor injuries to three people but no deaths
    • A passenger getting their arm stuck in the toilet while reaching for their dropped phone

    What reasons could Boeing aircraft have more incidents? Sure, they might be shoddily assembled. But it could also be a matter of fleet distribution: if Boeing makes more wide-body aircraft than Airbus, and thus carry more passengers, then passenger-related incidents would be higher represented for Boeing aircraft. Suffice it to say, this single graphic isn’t giving enough depth to a complicated situation.

  • I’m afraid I have no suggestions for DoT servers.

    One tip for your debugging that might be useful is to use dig to directly query DNS servers, to help identify where a DNS issue may lay. For example, your earlier test on mobile happened to be using Google’s DNS server on legacy IP ( If you ran the following on your desktop, I would imagine that you would see the AAAA record:

    dig @ mydomain.example.com

    If this succeeds, you know that Google’s DNS server is a viable choice for resolving your AAAA record. You can then test your local network’s DNS server, to see if it’ll provide the AAAA record. And then you can test your local machine’s DNS server (eg systemd-resolved). Somewhere, something is not returning your AAAA record, and you can slowly smoke it out. Good luck!

  • If I understand correctly, you’re now able to verify the AAAA on mobile. But you’re still not able to connect to the web server from your mobile phone. Do I have that right?

    I believe in a different comment here, you said that your mobile network doesn’t support IPv6, and nor does a local WiFi network. In that case, it seems like your phone is performing DNS lookups just fine, but has no way to connect to an IPv6 destination.

    If your desktop does have IPv6 connectivity but has DNS resolution issues, then I would now look into resolving that. To be clear, was your desktop a Linux/Unix system?

  • If you describe what you configured using DNS and what tests you’ve performed, people in this community could also help debug that issue as well.

    An AAAA records to map a hostname to an IPv6 address should be fairly trouble-free. If you create a new record, the “dig” command should be able to query it immediately, as the DNS servers will go through to the authoritative server, which has the new record. But if you modified an existing record, then the old record’s TTL value might cause the old value to remain in DNS caches for a while.

    When in doubt, you can also aim “dig” at the authoritative name server directly, to rule out an issue with your local DNS server or with your ISP’s DNS server.

  • maybe experimenters are opting to do further research themselves rather than publish ambiguous results

    While this might seem reasonable at first, I feel it is at odds with the current state of modern science, where results are no longer the product of individuals like Newton or the Curie’s, but rather whole teams and even organizations, working across universities and across/out of this world. The thought of hoarding a topic to oneself until it’s ripe seems more akin to commercial or military pursuits rather than of academia.

    But that gut feeling aside, withholding data does have a cost, be it more pedestrians being hit by cars or bunk science taking longer to disprove. At some point, a prolonged delay or shelving data outright becomes unethical.

    fine tuning your experimental design to get a conclusive result is a more attractive option than publishing a null result that could be significant

    I’m not sure I agree. Science is constrained by human realities, like funding, timelines, and lifespans. If researchers are collecting grants for research, I think it’s fair for the benefactors to expect the fruits of the investment – in the form of published data – even if it’s not perfect and conclusory or even if the lead author dies before the follow-up research is approved. Allowing someone else to later pick up the baton is not weakness but humility.

    In some ways, I feel that “publish or perish” could actually be a workable framework if it had the right incentives. No, we don’t want researchers torturing the data until there’s a sexy conclusion. But we do want researchers to work together, either in parallel for a shared conclusion, or by building on existing work. Yes, we want repeat experiments to double check conclusions, because people make mistakes. No, we don’t want ten research groups fighting against each other to be first to print, wasting nine redundant efforts.

    or a significant result that you fear might need retracting later.

    I’m not aware of papers getting retracted because their conclusion was later disproved, but rather because their procedure was unsound. Science is a process, honing towards the truth – whatever it may be – and accepting its results, or sometimes its lack of results.

  • I understand where you’re coming from, and fully agree that anytime someone goes to prison for something they didn’t do, society is doubly worse off: once because the wrong person has been jailed, and once more because the real culprit has evaded justice.

    That said, what you’re describing is an issue with the practice of plea bargaining, not necessarily with giving less time for defendants pleading guilty. There are very compelling arguments that we should ban plea bargaining, as it’s extremely one-sided, among other things. But while plea bargaining is partly enabled because the sentencing guidelines allow leniency for pleading guilty, I would argue we should keep the latter.

    As a society, we should incentivize people to voluntarily come forward and atone for their crimes. If a murderer pleads guilty and divulges the location of the buried body, the victim’s family can have a proper funeral service. But if that murderer instead flees, there’s a chance that officers can make an arrest, but there’s also a chance of successfully evading the law. Even if taken into custody, there’s no requirement that a hardened murderer needs to reveal the burial location, and our laws prohibit beating that answer out of anyone.

    A principle in law is that different criminal behavior should be punished proportionally. Ruthless killing versus accidental death. An accident versus indifference to human life. A clouded conscience versus a maligned intention toward the victim’s family during a prolonged trial. This is what the sentencing guidelines seek to implement, moral hazards be darned.

  • I’m not sure I’d characterize any of the figures as “a super high chance of getting out of it”, unless you mean leaving in handcuffs. Bear in mind that defendants that plead not-guilty but are then found guilty at trial get a worse penalty than if they had pleaded guilty in the first place. The federal sentencing guidelines intentionally recognize that people who plead guilty are taking some responsibility for their crime, and so it shaves a few months off.

    Defense attorneys are supposed to help a defendant weigh the bird in hand (a plea deal with the prosecutors) against the two birds in the bush (prospect of acquittal at trial). And that’s only if the prosecutor wants to even do a deal: they don’t have to, since sometimes justice cannot be served by anything less than a jury verdict. Other times, a lack of a plea deal is part of looking “tough on crime” or to set an example.

  • I phrased it that way because I’m also unsure as to how “ex-convict” should be used and how most people use it. I’ve heard other people say it to mean anyone who has been released from prison, although that doesn’t make much sense for someone who just serves their time.

    As a result, so far as I’m aware, it’s colloquially ambiguous, and lawyers and jurists may have a more stringent definition they might use.

  • In the Pew Research article? I arrived at a trial acquittal rate of about 17%.

    In fiscal year 2022, only 290 of 71,954 defendants in federal criminal cases – about 0.4% – went to trial and were acquitted, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the latest available statistics from the federal judiciary. Another 1,379 went to trial and were found guilty (1.9%).

    While that’s still about 1 chance in 5, that’s still some really bad odds when it comes to the matter of possibly being imprisoned. I imagine most Americans think they’d have better odds than that, but the data shows otherwise, to a scary degree.

  • Formally speaking, a conviction will attach once a defendant is found guilty by a trial court. Even while one or more appeals may be ongoing, it is accurate to describe the defendant as convicted. The status of a federal conviction sticks until such time the conviction is judicially overturned by a successful appeal, or when pardoned by the executive. But not clemency, which is a reduction in the penalty by the executive, but retains the conviction.

    A person who has their conviction overturned or pardoned can no longer be accurately described as convicted. Although colloquially, it’s unclear if “ex-convict” is an acceptable description or not.

  • If the server is sent a signal to shutdown due to a grid outage, who is telling it the grid was restored?

    Ah, I see I forgot to explain a crucial step. When the UPS detects that grid power is lost, it sends a notification to the OS. In your case, it is received by apcupsd. What happens now is a two step process: 1) the UPS is instructed to power down after a fixed time period – one longer than it would take for the OS to shut down, and 2) the OS is instructed to shut down. Here is one example of how someone has configured their machine like this. The UPS will stay off until grid power is restored.

    In this way, the server will indeed lose power, shortly after the OS has already shut down. You should be able to configure the relevant delay parameters in apcupsd to preserve however much battery state you need to survive multiple grid events.

    The reason the UPS is configured with a fixed time limit – as opposed to, say, waiting until power draw drops below some number of watts – is that it’s easy and cheap to implement, and it’s deterministic. Think about what would happen if an NFS mount or something got stuck during shutdown, thereby running down the battery, ending up with the very unexpected power loss the UPS was meant to avoid. Maybe all the local filesystems were properly unmounted in time, but when booting up later and mounting the filesystems, a second grid fault and a depleted battery state could result in data loss. Here, the risk of accidentally cutting off the shutdown procedure is balanced with the risk of another fault on power up.