Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Yeah. I am not a Buddhist but I’ve always found something rings true in the reflections on impermanence. When we bond with someone we accept the pain of loss, and when we feel it most people seem to describe relief once able to “let go” an accept it being over.

    It seems to me that encouraging clinging and reminiscening stunts you a bit and only really provides temporary relief of the loss while drawing out the time it takes to process it.

    Idk though, maybe I’ll have the misfortune to feel differently some day. It’s hard to judge someone hanging out with their spouse watching death creep closer each day. I have approximately zero idea what my opinions would be in the face of that.

  • To be even handed you could point to science and industry doing exactly the same shit when given a freer hand. Whether it’s basically all industrial “accidents” in various and sundry capitalist economies (scare quotes because overriding safety protocols or not doing due dilligence in hiring because money isn’t an accident it’s social murder), stuff like that super secret American bomb sight being a scam, industrial agriculture everywhere fucking the soil for short term profits, oil spills, the whole climate crisis and burying of it for money etc.

    It’s sort of difficult to get in the blame game because everything is multifaceted and regardless of whatever theoretical construct presides over everything humans have the same incentives for corruption at lots of levels.

    you also need to keep in mind the USSR was huge, completely and utterly fucked up by ww2 after inheriting a Russia completely and utterly fucked by centuries of tyranny and ww1. In a huge empire, rapidly industrialising, that just had millions of people killed and tens of thousands of towns destroyed there are going to be problems. No system is perfect enough to just overrule the material and social damage done during that.

    TBH my own take is they did pretty well but centralised management everywhere has a tendency to fuck everything up. Oh to be clear, anything with a single leader is highly centralised. Like tech startups are centralised, most research labs are under the iron grip of a PI and thus centralised (and talk to anyone below tenure on the academic track to learn of the problems there).

  • He literally chooses every single day to actively ignore the plight of the people he claims to rule. He does nothing

    Every single day he actively chooses to ignore suffering, probably even cracks jokes about it, while actively working to preserve his enormous privilege and protect his kin from facing consequences for their heinous actions. He stands at the head of an institution of violence, racism, cruelty, and exploitation and every single moment of his life he chooses to side with that over any earnest attempt to redeem their reputation.

    The entire justification for their privilege is so insane it makes phrenology look respectable.

    He is horrible, he could help so many people with a few words and the equivalent of pocket change but he chooses not to for fear of starting a process that ends with him living as one of the ordinary citizens he claims to protect. It’s fucking bananas that you think there is some moral reasons to extend civility to such a monsterous person.

  • I don’t even know what your position is anymore. It’s bad for a very tongue in cheek game to make a joke about lack of labour rights for monsters in their advertising, but it’s fine for other monster collectors to just not acknowledged how disquieting the premise is because they explain it away by lore, but when Rowling explains something away by lore it’s not excuseable because lore doesn’t have any material impact on what people are implicitly writing about?

    I think you should probably just learn about the game before having an opinion about it. It is very unserious. It is parody homage, and also just dumb and cute. It’s like getting worked up about mario kart encouraging teen destruction derbies or something. We’re not looking at something like the skeezy line blurring between Hollywood and the usaian MIC as the usaian department of war requires films to adopt pro imperial stances in order to grant access to military hardware which in turn makes movies more visually appealing.

    It’s just a ridiculous little toy going “Monster collectors are very silly hey?” where you can pat the cute mammoth in the spa and also work 100 cats to depression making bombs.

    This doesn’t have any meaningful impact, if you want to improve the world go do a weekend at your nearest animal rescue, volunteer your time teaching your local language to migrants, or promote a Union at your job.

  • Yeah so it doesn’t really matter what the “lore” is. Like if I write a book series with a slave race but I put in a line where a representative of the slave species, let’s call them uhhh mouse-elves, says “oh master we love being slaves!” that doesn’t actually change anything meaningful.

    There is always this disconnect between the fact that in Pokémon, Digimon, SMT, whatever else I’m forgetting for all the “no this is actually good clean fun” (ok smt goes a bit darker but still very sanitised) the creatures exhibit almost 0 agency and at the end of the day mudkip is facing down a moon sized laser beam from a galactic god. Further in the media around at least Pokémon trainers are legitimately worried when their “pets” are overmatched or hurt.

    So as much as they say “oh it’s ok because mc gobbledygook” there is an enormous dissonance between what the audience sees/what the player does and what the media presents it as.

    Also I note you’re not vegan, so it’s utterly bizarre you’re concerned about the imaginary welfare of animated fantasy monsters but not actual earthlings we share the planet with and murder for pleasure.

    also edit: I never graduated highschool, I was a bit busy being abused, I do have a masters and the ruins of a PhD though. I would tentatively suggest you focus your outrage on actual real problems and not kinda lazy filtered through a different culture and language parody of a genre advertising jokes.

  • Ok look advertising has clearly done a number on your brain because that is a fucking absurd amount of money to spend on a chair.

    Like nothing in it is worth that much, you can get a very comfortable chair for 200 usd. You’re not getting 1000 usd extra value from this, just think about how much money that is and what materials this is actually made of.

    Things marketed to business are absurdly overpriced because spending someone else’s money is easy, but you don’t need a chair adaptable to any body shape and capable of taking 500 kg of load. you know what body shape you are, and you probably aren’t that heavy. Features that sort of make sense in an office environment if you’re high on your own farts are completely unnecessary at home.

    This is about status, hence why OP literally leads with a brag about how much money they can afford to light on fire in this post.

    Hell medical evidence suggests you don’t even want too comfy of a chair because you should move around and engage your core muscles. Stuff like lumbar support is actively harmful to most people.

    So get a nice chair sure but it’s a chair, you shouldn’t spend 12 weeks groceries on abs, mild steel, polyester, and maybe some polycarbonate. That’s stupid.