plinky [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2022


  • The case against Daniel Jadue has its origins in 2021, when the medical supply company Best Quality filed a lawsuit for fraud against ACHIFARP, insisting that the company had sold supplies to the association and were not paid for it and that there was an existing 1 million dollar debt. Following this, several other lines of investigation were opened up by the Prosecutor regarding the municipality’s people’s pharmacy, over “illicit activity” conducted by employees. Then in 2023, the Comptroller’s Office filed charges against Recoleta’s mayor, accusing him of failing to uphold probity while leading ACHIFARP.

    lawfare alive and well seems like

  • But herein lies the rub: at the start of the thread you said “okay they deserved this over arrests of protestors”. Can you link your comment were you advocated for sanctions against usa over arrests of protestors before this?

    Passive “both sides are bad” when one side is already sanctioned (and apparently so bad they don’t get enough food) and the other is helping perpetrate genocide, arrests protestors just the same and is not sanctioned is not equal enlightened view. I assume whatever your country is, you can’t vote for a representative who will sanction usa trade. So you have active positive acceptance of cuba sanctions and silence on sanctions on israel/usa whatever. usa is perfectly happy with your position, its exactly theirs

  • How can it be equal, if every layer of government is held by one party? (that’s ignoring our typical commie gripes that ldp was showered by cia money till the 70s)

    but i mean your initial point (the leadership should submit if they care about people) is exact same point made during any siege in all of the history. While premise for that siege (something that makes it palatable for the people) is comparatively pitiful: its not supported by un (overwhelmingly), one party states an dictatorships are routinely supported by usa, cuba is not prosecuting minorities over sexual/racial differences, so what exactly is usa problem you think?