• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Well you are contradicting.

    People who are affected by the hate speech, can easily chose one of the many instances that are curating and censoring, and that is completely fine. The others who are not sensitive to it and want to hear what the other side is saying, should have a way to do so I think.

    And basically all hate-speech is same idea. It is a rephrasing of one, single thought: “Those others, who are different to us, are inferior, and a threat to our way of life.”

    Well you know, the same is said by both sides, and on both sides people always find a way to justify their stance and portray the other side as the worst evil, while the reality is in between.

    That’s why I am not picking sides, but instead decide on my own what I think make sense what does not, but in order to be able to do that, one needs to be exposed to both sides of the argument. You don’t need to agree on everything with particular group, but you can agree on some things

  • Well the removal of posts and comments cannot be avoided. What I want is just to be able to see everything on my feed, and to be able to decide the communities I want to ban instead of admins doing that for me.

    Well sure running my own instance would work, but I don’t think it is necessary really, as I am sure there are people who think similar and have instances dedicated to this.

  • Hey man, first relax. You are accusing me of being fascist because I was against defederating. What I am standing against is what you just said, that my opinion doesn’t matter. Even though I don’t agree with you I will never say that your opinion doesn’t matter, that is my stance against defederation. I don’t agree with what they are posting on exploding heads, but I don’t think their opinion doesn’t matter.

    The paper from the car burned last night, it was a father not a mother my mistake. “Merci pour un papa seul que va bien galérer avec ses 3 enfants”. Do you think this person deserved to be left without a car, while he was struggling bringing up 3 children? Did he have anything to do with the killing of Nahel? Why is he the one that is getting the consequences?

    Edit: I was using harsh words in the first comment, I was still under the impression for what was happening outside.