Well, a black hole with the mass of an A4 page is gonna evaporate almost instantly, turning all of that mass into energy. Those 5 grams will give you about a 100 kT explosion.
Well, a black hole with the mass of an A4 page is gonna evaporate almost instantly, turning all of that mass into energy. Those 5 grams will give you about a 100 kT explosion.
Please don’t actually use them as sunglasses. You can buy cheap UV film online that you can stick on em. Hell, any pair of cheap sunglasses is usually UV coated.
As the above user already said, your pupils will dilate because they will think there’s less light, letting more UV in. At best, it will cancel out whatever is blocked by them. At worst, you will end up with more UV reaching your eyes.
Cataracts can only be treated by surgery. Please don’t cook your eyeballs, especially when you can so easily have complete UV protection.
AFAIR it follows E = mc^2, so even 5 grams will give you quite a boom.