• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Yeah, this is the wrong place to post this. It’s tangential at best to technology as whole.

    That being said, it is an important issue, and I would suggest posting it in the places another user suggested.

    I have a whole mini diatribe about formal english vs colloquial and how formal will eventually catch up on this matter, but this isn’t the C/ for it. So holla at me if/when you post it elsewhere and you’re interested in that take.

  • The only places there that haven’t changed are the tiny game subs, to my limited willingness to use the site. I have checked the niche subs I used to moderate, and all but one is swamped with bullshit. Even that one has changed some. The only ones of those unchanged are the ones I had set to private ages before spez threw his little hissy-fit. The ones that were public are either dead, botted, or just unchecked insanity with bad moderation. Spam everywhere.

  • Yeah, even the big names tend to not care much as long as nobody else is profiting off of their work. Agents and publishers, they tend to get right snippy about piracy lol.

    Mind you, there is a segment of working authors that do suffer in their ability to go from a part time, almost hobbyist situation into a proper career of it. They tend to see the lack of sales as more of a problem, but they tend to be younger and didn’t ever see how impossible breaking in to traditional publishing was. It’s easy to look at your self published income and think “oh, if people had to buy these, I’d be making a living at this instead of it being barely enough to cover expenses for writing”. But, most of the time, back before self publishing was actually a valid and useful route, they wouldn’t have been selling anything, they’d be hoping for an agent to get their first sale for them.

    And I’ll never tell anyone that they can’t profit from their own ideas and labor, and expect anyone consuming it to pay up. Authors that object, that’s fine by me (and I actually don’t pirate their stuff). But like you said, most writers would rather someone read and enjoy for free rather than not read at all.

  • Ummmm, welllll, I don’t actually post much to any other metal communities because they tend to have different rules for posting, and different people. This is one of those things where I’m a bad example of the “advice” I’m giving. I’m not a big poster anywhere. Wasn’t on reddit either tbh. I genuinely wish I could find the same “vibe” as the .world metal C/ that was also friendly to direct YouTube links. There’s a couple of good metal communities on lemmy, but they tend to dislike the YouTube links, or you catch hell for it from other users lol. It’s one of those where I’m not following my own beliefs because it screws up other people’s flow.

    I get where you’re coming from about needing minimum activity to make a subject matter to build a true community. I even agree, it’s consolidating the smaller ones into a central one and hoping it can split up later rather than just disintegrating after some schism in the user base that I object to on a meta level.

    I just think that spreading awareness of the various communities and encouraging crosstalk is a better long term goal.

    Also, I hope that my word choices and phrasing don’t come off aggro or with ill intent. I’ve been reminded that tone isn’t conveyed well via text today with an unrelated chat away from lemmy. Since there’s been a few points where I might have taken my own words wrong, just want to clarify that if this was in person, my tone would be friendly and you’d see me smiling at someone that’s wanting to build good community.

  • Comments don’t need aggregation.

    Look, we obviously have a difference in philosophy of the fediverse here.

    So, let me back up a second and explain that.

    The fediverse should be about communities being disparate. No single instance, no single mod or admin owning an idea, or the consequent community that forms around an idea. Part of why reddit became so horrible was the inability to have a viable alternative community around a subject when one went off the rails because someone had total control over a word, like “parenting”, or “knives” or “gaming”.

    The more you consolidate communities, the more you give fewer entities control of a idea/concept/subject.

    Comment aggregation is nice, if all you want is a single feed to scroll through, but the price of it is too high.

  • It’s dumb as fuck.

    Hate it if we want (and I have major problems with how young phones and similar devices become glued to kids), but they’re here to stay. They’re a part of modern life, and trying to completely ban them is the most idiotic waste of time and resources possible.

    You gotta find a way to limit use in a consistent and evenly applied way so that parents and school staff are all on the same page. Then you just keep enforcing the rules amd explaining them over and over. Eventually, it becomes a manageable annoyance instead of the chaos it currently is