• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I think it’s Android itself. I can only do symlinks in the /data partition not /storage/emulated according to this. And I tried it and it seems to be true.

    ` ~ $ pwd


    ~ $ touch ok

    ~ $ ln ok ok.ok

    ln: failed to create hard link ‘ok.ok’ => ‘ok’: Permission denied

    ~ $ ln ok -s ok.ok

    ~ $ ls

    ok ok.ok

    ~ $ cd /storage/emulated/0

    …/emulated/0 $ touch ok

    …/emulated/0 $ ln ok -s ok.ok

    ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘ok.ok’: Permission denied


  • Ich bin anderer Meinung, ich habe den Bildschirm meines P6P kaputt gemacht und ihn repariert. Ich denke, das Hauptproblem sind die Praktiken der Unternehmen, die eine Reparatur so schwierig machen. Ich denke, wenn man sich Jeffry Hughes anschaut, der auf YouTube Telefonreparaturen durchführt, erkennt man, dass dort ein übler Blödsinn vor sich geht, der nur dadurch erklärt werden kann, dass die Unternehmen nicht wollen, dass irgendjemand die Telefone repariert. Außerdem glaube ich nicht, dass es neue Dinge gibt, die neue Telefone mit sich bringen, solange es scrollt und eine Verbindung zum Internet herstellt, ist alles in Ordnung. Der einzige Grund, warum ich mein Note 10+ nicht habe, ist, dass der Bildschirm fast so teuer ist wie ein gebrauchtes P6P.

    Und am wichtigsten: Hören Sie auf, sich der Hegemonie der englischen Sprache zu widersetzen!!!

  • The FP5 is the best in terms of repairability. The device just opens up without any insane glue, just clips and screws, the parts are there and are reasonably priced. And it’s manufactured with sustainable source material according to the company. The workers are treated well also according to them. The company directly sells the FP4 with the deGoogled /e/os which shows that they care about privacy. I could also see them selling this one with built in /e/os sometime in the future. It also does everything you expect from a phone reasonably well.

    However, as a phone in that $750 price range, the features and polish are lacking. For some reason, the phone just feels sluggish to use. I have a Pixel 6 and compared to it the difference is night and day. The screen says that it’s 90Hz but it feels like 25Hz when scrolling sometimes. So I recorded scrolling on a chromium browser on both the FP5 and the P6P. I think you can see the difference. Keep in mind that the videos are both 60Hz so I’m probably not inaccurate when I say 25Hz.

    I think the phone is overall positive since it gets you from point A to point B and the philosophy behind it is great. I myself am gonna be regularly using it since the sluggishness is something I kinda gotten used to.

    Edit: I should have mentioned this from the get-go. But I have installed /e/os which is in beta. This could contribute to the slowness so take my experience with a grain of salt.

  • Sure I’ll gladly admit that to have a government agency that tampers with elections and persecutes people for having political opinions is fucked up. The practices of the NIS are akin to that of an authoritarian government, which stand against the liberal values I like. That being said, it doesn’t really hold a candle to what North Korea does with their “elections.”

    I’ll also admit that I am acting like a douchebag because I think it’s fun. But you can’t come here to morally grandstand while screeching at me to read. You say all that shit when you can’t really give me any specific piece of information to bolster your arguments. You say that NK concedes stuff or whatever but you didn’t give me anything. And from the little that I’ve read just now, it looks like NK is worse than I thought. I didn’t even know anything about how they effectively force people to vote. I also thought that the food shortages might be overblown but apparently not. The best your lot could give me the inconsequential misinfo about NK and their hairstyles is not true or that SK also has human rights and democracy violations. It still doesn’t justify supporting the tyrannical government of NK.

  • the opinion of the people regarding political entities is inconsequential and easily influenced Is this what you say every night to feel better about how your tankie ideology is lamented by any reasonable person in a democratic

    Now I can’t say I am an expert in Korean history but it seems that NK wants the US out of SK not because they’re afraid of US attacks but because they want to take over SK. But you know Kim is pretty smart keeping his people uninformed about the world outside his country since it’s probably gonna be bad for him. If people really knew that he was not willing to give up his nuclear bullshit and keeping his people perpetually in the verge of famine while their southern counterparts are economically thriving, he probably would lose a lot of his popularity. He’s not making the same mistake as East Berlin that’s for sure.

    Also, I wouldn’t say that Trump got concessions from NK. I was saying that the opinion of the SK people was swayed because they saw hope since the summit was between Moon and Kim would be fruitful. The poll was after the May/2018 inter korean summit not the disastrous september/2018 singapore summit. Honestly, I wasn’t clear enough there I’ll give you that (not being sarcastic).