Yeah you’re obviously beyond reason and we’re speaking across different levels of intellect here. Bringing up NOCs shows you’re entry level, despite how many years of experience you have. Find my phone is a network because the phone which has cellular capabilities reports that to Apple/Google.
It wasn’t my intention to start a dick measuring contest here but since it’s on the table, im a six figure(deep into six figures) engineer at a fortune 10 company. Your 25+ years of CompTIA A+ experience mean nothing to me. You’re talking to a CCIE.
No one with any amount of intellect would call something communicating at layer two a “network”, though anything that transfers data between two devices can technically be called a network, “networking” is being able to communicate with OTHER networks.
If it makes you feel any better, I intentionally never use products that have intentionally repetitive messaging or earworm tendencies out of spite. Though I know I’m probably in the minority