Locally stored KeePass
Locally stored KeePass
Selfhosted SearXNG and Firefox.
I didnt get survey.
Just downloaded and installed Organic Maps from F-Droid. Looks really nice.
Yup. Linux also was really easy. I have used both.
Way too expensive.
I hope more people would hop on to i2p. Its really easy to setup.
Just managed to setup i2pd with IRC, ip2snark for torrents and got my website running also.
Start with Mint and use flatpaks. You will be all set.
Im so glad I switched fully to Linux. I used to dual-boot, but my Windows partition broke so I stick with Linux. Only regret is why I didnt do it years ago.
Quassel server at home and Quasseldroid to connect to it.
Used since 2006.
Im so glad I fully switched to Linux. I was amazed how good the gaming performance have come nowadays. I tried out Ubuntu back in 2007 and have tried some other distros too during the years, but always went back to Windows because of games. Not anymore.
It’s been close to 10 months since I fully switched to Linux. I am running Arch on all of my devices. Server, laptop and desktop. Desktop I have borked few times, but no worries since I dont store any critical data on the drive. Only OS because of this. I know I will bork it in future too, but I like to learn new things and Linux is the best choice for that.
Convinced my gf to also switch to Linux, but we are still trying to find a more stable distro for her. I feel like installing Fedora or MX Linux for her.