System Shock (the remake) with a cut-down version of the Ironman mod to provide randomization. It’s only slight loot randomization so there’s no major pathing changes but it’s fun nonetheless.
I like randomizers. They add some additional replay value to already good games. I must’ve played through randomized Bloodstained a down times already – and twice that for Super Metroid. (And then there’s the beautiful mess that is randomized Borderlands 2. I don’t think I’m ever going to finish a run but man are they wild.)
The original Call of Duty. Just installed this weekend and haven’t played it since early 2000’s. After that I plan to play the very first Call of Duty Black Ops which I never actually played the story of.
Enjoy! I remember really liking the campaign of Black Ops. I don’t remember the story anymore but I remember it being great
Dead Space. The remake looks great and the sound design is bonkers. I love the utilitarian design of the tech as well. Headphones are recommended.
Too many stutters though
Re-playing Half-Life 2 with the massive update. Still a great game.
I hope the developer commentary is on.
Still thoroughly sucked into Pathfinder: Kingmaker. At least I’ve stopped poking around in side areas now, just focusing on advancing the main story. Also doing companion quests. This might be the longest not-live-service game I’ve ever played? I think I still have at least two more full chapters to go.
I just finished my third playthrough of it. I was disappointed to find out at the end that I screwed up one of the story points I was going after, but oh well. It was still a fun experience. After three time though I doubt I’ll go through it again. Still one of my favorites.
I ain’t playin’ shit. I haven’t had any gaming time in over a week. I’m very, very sad. Perhaps tonight will be the night? Probably not, but one can hope.
I feel that. I haven’t played anything in over a week either. I’ve had lots of (good) news that’s quite tiring to deal with, plus work has been busy lately and I have family visiting. All good stuff (except maybe work), but still, I miss playing games
I do the vast majority of my gaming from November through February (i.e. “winter”). Outside of that window, I rarely have time to play, and even when I have time, I usually have other things I’d rather do. I probably have another month or so of my gaming season left. Things just didn’t work out this year.
On the flip side, I managed to get about 45 minutes of down time this afternoon unexpectedly. So I fired up Doom (2016), which is the game I’ve focused on this season. I managed to make it to mission 12 out of 13, so I’m pretty close to the end as far as I can tell! It seems likely I’ll be able to finish it in a matter of days, so long as I can find the time!
Dragon Quest 9 on DS (emulated). Prior to this I was playing Kingdom Hearts Recoded also on DS (emulated). My recommendation is to enjoy what retroachievements does to your old favorites, lol (can’t wait for DOSBox integration).
I’m generally a PC gamer but I was playing the steam ports of Kingdom Hearts (they are bad ports) and now I’m just emulating things. Can you believe those lunatics lumped 4 games of achievements into a single set without any order? There’s even duplicate names for things, it’s a wildly sloppy port, lol. Not recommended.
Putting the finishing touches on Darksiders Genesis with a friend. Game was alright. My advice would be to play the game on Medium or High settings with Ultra textures. I realized too late that I could‘ve played with 50% higher framerate while the game hardly looks any different all this time lol
I also hope to figure out why the fuck I suck so much at Dorfromantik and get a bit more into the game this weekend.
Less patient because I saw and I was patient, and more ‘shit I didn’t know about these’ (they’re both free) pokerogue and infinitode 2 have been taking up most of my time lately.
Playing Blasphemous 2 right now. Definitely a lot of QoL improvements over part 1.
Beat two bosses so far, both with great move sets but the second one was a little bit on the easy side.
Also, playing Super Mario Galaxy for the first time on my Deck.
Spider-Man 2, PS5. Pretty well-rounded game, highly recommend it
Love that game. Got it as a gift last year, one of my favourites on the console. I mostly play PC but I keep the PS5 plugged in mostly for this game (and I use it as a 4K blu-ray player)
I started playing Monifactory, a modern Gregtech CEu Minecraft modpack. Someone send help.
Basically extra complex Satisfactory, but everything is blocks.
Been playing a game called Buckshot Roulette, came out in 2023. You play Russian Roulette. With a pump action shotgun.
Half life 1 with rtx mod
We’ve made it to level 19 in Pantheon.